Wednesday, June 3, 2009

It's cloudy, rainy cold weather here. I'm working on the bicycle program I'll be leading for the Wellness Community this summer. Its a six week session of rides, one per week, a part of Healthy Excursions which also includes hiking, fly fishing and kayaking. The bicycling portion starts at the end of July so I should be back into some semblance of shape by then. I plan on doing an Xterra off road triathlon on July 27th. It is just a sprint distance, 600 yd swim, 7 mile mountain bike on dirt roads and a 5k run on easy trails. I'm not supposed to run for two to three months out from surgery so I'll be running off the couch per say. I figure if I ride enough and do some hiking I'll be fine. It's all muscle memory, right?

I saw my oncologist here in Bozeman on Friday. Got a great report! They're gonna watch me like a hawk for a while. OK by me! I go to Billings for my one year check up with Dr. Gibb on Tuesday the 9th. (I was one year out from chemo on May 27th! YEA!) Then I get my 6 week MRI on the 18th of June. (six weeks from surgery) Then I'll have MRI's every three months for at least a year then we'll figure out what goes on from there.

A real bummer is that my hair is falling out where they zapped me with the gamma knife. I have a big bald spot that is fortunately still covered by hair that didn't fall out. I'm hoping that it will stay covered! Please, please, please! I'm so over the bald thing! I know it's kind of vain but I value my hair and what I look like. I think losing my hair was one of the toughest parts of my whole process last year!

I would like to thank all who have donated to the Katie Ossa Benefit Fund! There are quite a few who have wanted to remain anonymous so the Bank and I have decided to honor them and they are not printing off any copies of who has donated. The bank hasn't kept rack of the anonymous donors. Therefore I cannot send individual thanks as I would like. Please know that the money is going towards bills, Fischer's School, Insurance deductibles and so forth. We are so grateful for this and towards all of you who have so graciously helped us out.

Speaking of benefits. Dianna Hermann who is the acupuncturist, whose office I shared in my last years in Fort Collins, is having an acupuncture benefit clinic for us on June 9th. You can read about it and download a consent form on her website at:

Thank you Dianna for holding this clinic and to the Fort Collins Community for supporting us! Again I cannot express how much this means to us and our gratitude goes out to you all!

Well, time to go wash out some more of my hair. Let's hope it doesn't fall out entirely on the right side! I'm gonna be wearing a lot of scarves in the next few months!

Love to you all!
Katie O