Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Fischer's thoughts

On the way out of the hospital Fischer asked me if spirits could make it snow? I told him his mommy's sure could. We all know how she loved the snow!

And he said "It looks like confetti, like mommy is celebrating getting her wings".

So now everytime it snows, that's what I will believe too.

Bobby O.

Katie O has got her wings

Greetings all,

I just wanted to share with you that my precious, beautiful, wonderful love got her wings and flew away this morning.

She had been in the hospital for over a week with incredible pain in her neck and head. Yesterday her breathing pattern changed and this morning she passed on to the next world.

Fischer and I spent the night with her last night, we had a slumber party and opening Christmas presents. I got up several times during the night to lay with her and talk to her and let he know it was ok to go and that her boys would be ok. But typical Katie, she did not want to hurt us or have us see her passing so she waited until just after we left to go see how Ziggi and company were doing.

On the drive back to the hospital we saw the shape of an eagle in the clouds just below the sun, the only gap in the clouds in the entire valley. For those of you who don’t know, the bald eagle has been Katie’s source of strength and inspiration though out the past two years of health challenges. We got to give her body some last hugs, kisses and words but we knew she was already soaring high above.

Katie’s sister Stacy and I are incredibly relieved that she is suffering no longer. That was harder to watch than hearing she is finally free for me. Anyone who knows Katie knows she hated laying there unable to do all those wonderful things she did… running, biking, skiing, laughing, playing, hugging, skinny dipping, etc.

The love and support for Katie and her boys has been overwhelming and I am truly grateful for all of you and for ten incredible years with my perfect match, my true love, my princess Katherine Isabella Ossa.

Thank you all so much for being a part of our lives and I hope that continues.

I love you all,

Bobby O.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Bumpy Road

Hey all - T posting again for Katie & Bob, so I guess you can tell that things may not be going so well. Good news is that things are at least better than they were earlier in the week. So, for those not in the know, Katie is back in the hospital here in Bozeman. She was admitted early Wednesday morning with a bad headache they couldn't get a handle on at home. It's been up and down this week and elaboration will come with the next post. For now, Bob has asked me to update the blog so everyone can know a little more and understand why they haven't been in contact so much. Although they haven't been able to reach out and communicate with many of you, I know that your thoughts, prayers, wishes, - everything means so much to them and if they could answer every phone call and talk to each and every one of you, they would. But for now, it seems just living and concentrating on each moment at hand is monumental in itself. Katie was awake and alert for much of the day, yesterday - but a long, rough, sleepless night has left her worn out today. I anticipate writing a more complete post later today after another update from Bob and to fill you all in on the week. Until then, feel free to post comments for KO & Co. here and Bob will be reading them to her in the hospital. We love you Katie, Bob, & Fischer (Ziggi, too!)

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Hello to all it's Ko!
I'm updating this with my terrible eyesight. so forgive me for all the typos etc. people are wondering if it is ok to come and visit. so far I am not ready for a slew of people. I'm still healing and trying to function through the day on my own. there are a couple of people coming up but you know it will be self maintainence. I'm not driving yet and am still overwhelmed by trying to heal every day. I do look foward to
greg cooking!

check out this fabulous website

The hspital set it up with these awesome people from Winslow Studio to take some portraits of the three of us they turned out fantastic! they made a book of portraits for us and we are gonna order a huge print for one of our walls. The difficult part will be which print to pick. Any suggestions?

Thanks and love to you all! I love hearing from you. You are all doing so well in helping to take care of myself and my family amd I'm forever grateful for that!
I loveyou all!