Monday, March 3, 2008

World's cutest kid!!!!

Hello All,
I get my IP port put in on Wednesday! I'm excited to get on with this and be over with it in June.

My hair is now officially clumping out. I had it shaved down to just barely there and it comes out all over the place. I am wearing my wig, hats and tried a scarf yesterday. I had two very difficult days last week and am now pretty much accepting that the absence of my hair is going to be OK. It will start growing back in July! I just needed some time to grieve the hair loss.

I went to the Cancer Center here i Bozeman today and got the results of my blood tests from Friday. My CA125 levels are at 22! The normal level is aout 30! YEEEEEHAAAA! lets just keep it this way, forever! This news is very encouraging for me and it helps to give a sense of purpose to all this crazy stuff I'm going through!

I went for a "jog" today. VERY slow, not too far. I walked after that for a bit. Last week I donned my cross country skiis and went for a "ski" with Teri. I went slower than slow and the one "hill" I went up looked like Everest to me (felt like it too!). I'm looking forward to more days like these and am sure I'll be going up many more "Everests". I actually plan on seeing that mountain next year in person! Yeah!!

I'll write more after the whole IP surgery/chemo process. Please keep sending good energy my way! Thank you all so much!


1 comment:

rlerchick said...

I know we are millions of miles away but we are thinking about you and your family. Fischer is by far the cutest kid...we miss you guys...lots of love going your way.
nancy and the kids at Wondering Bees