Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Hello from Chemo Land!

I got chemo yesterday. The mixture of Taxol and the steroids gets me all hyped up! I've been up since 4:30 this morning!

Some GREAT news. My oncologist said I had a very, very, very good prognosis and as far as he is concerned I will be CURED after I go through these last two treatments! I cried! I'm so happy! I know I could kick cancer's ass and I feel like I did! That was a pretty bold statement for him to make. I told his nurse what he said and she said he normally does not make statements like that to patients. Makes me feel even more confident!!!!!! :)

Two more trips to Billings for chemo. I'll be done on June 3rd. You all are going to have to lift a glass in toast to me at 6pm on the 3rd!

My friend Anne is here from California. She's been helping us out a lot. Michelle comes from Missouri on Saturday. She is going to drag me out for some SHORT bike rides. It's going to take me a while to get my legs back after this, but I'm going to come back even stronger than before......ever heard of Lance Armstrong????? ;)

Thanks for all your support! I'm gonna need it the most as I recover from this chemo crap. The Social Worker at the hospital says that is the time when it's easist for me to slip into depression. I'm so happy that I'm gonna have my life back that it seems impossible but I need to be aware of it.

Thank you all so much again!
Much Love,


Spinman (GC) said...

Hooray Katie. That is GREAT, AWESOME news! See you in CO in July!

EmilyC said...

Katie! Oh, I can totally feel your excitment and relief! Good fighter you are. We are so happy for you and wish for continued GREAT news! Hope to see you in CO this summer.
Emily, Brian and Elise