Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Well, we're at it again! I had an MRI yesterday (april 28th) due to the headaches, slight dizziness and disturbed vision I've been having. They found two masses, rather bumps, on the posterior section of my cerebellum. I'm heading over to the Billings Clinic today (april 29) to be admitted to the hospital. My oncologist sees this as the best way for me to get into a neurosurgeon asap. They need to biopsy them to see what they are. So far I have two great things going for me. One, ovarian cancer SELDOM goes to the brain and two, my oncologist, granted he is a "below the belt kind of guy" (gynocological oncolgist), says they look like they are fluid like and fluid usually doesn't mean malignant. So keep your fingers crossed!

Don't know how long I'll be over there. Fischer is staying in Bozeman with friends and Grandma is coming down this weekend to be with him. He is a trooper and we have told him everything and he knows I'm pretty scared.

I'll try to have this blog updated by friends. The hospital doesn't have internet, at least not last year! I'll answer my phone if I can but won't talk for long. It gets me exhausted.

someone wanna buy a house?

Love to all,


carol b said...


My heart goes out to you. I am thinking of you and sending every ounce of positive energy I can your way. I can't believe you have to go through this. Giving you an enormous hug full of courage and strength. Lots of love to you.


Gennifre said...


You know we are all here for you for whatever you need. I'll be thinking of you and sending all my good energy your way. And lots and lots and lots of love...


Spaz said...

Morning Sunshine!!!! You travel safe and know that Fischer and I will be keeping the house 'spotless' ...... and sending love and positive energy your way!

Spinman (GC) said...

Lots of love and prayers going your way from CO. We all know you are quite the fighter (and Hard Ass). Looking forward to hearing from you soon. Hugs and kisses!

- Greg

Kristie Kirby said...


I will be thinking about you nonstop. You are so very brave and strong. I will work hard to get the house sold. Let me know if you need help with Fischer and Ziggi. Love, Kristie

Layla 'n Pip said...

I'm sending my most positive thoughts to you and your family ... you've been through so much but have been a fighter all the way, hope this turns out to be just a lot of posturing.

EmilyC said...


I'm SO sorry this is happening right now. My heart just sank reading your email. How could this be, don't you get a free hall pass for the rest of your life after what you were through last year? I think you should! Even to this day since you've been in remission I have prayed for you daily, hoping for you to continue to be healthy. You are truly in my thoughts in that way and I will think positively for you and wish you the best of all things. Hope you get better news in the coming week(s).
Emily Cathcart

Steveo said...


On Sunday at the marathon start we will create some good Karma for you. Certainly without you this event would not be happening. The event has boomed this year. Thanks always and a BIG love hug for you.

You survived being the marathon volunteer coordinator a couple of years and I know you will make it through this new issue once again.

We also hired another "Katie" at the Roost, there will always be a "Katie" on staff as long as I am in charge-you are the first.

Take care,


Tina said...

Thinking of you and your immense strength. Lots of love and good thoughts from Maine.