Saturday, August 29, 2009

August 29, 2009

They say three times a charm? Bad luck happens in threes? Well, I spent yesterday in the ER and my MRI revealed another two tumors on my brain :(. This is just the preliminary report as my Neurological Oncologist has not seen it. I guess I'll be going to Chicago again and will have more surgery :(. I think its safe to say I'm not guite ready for this. Fischer starts Kindergarten this Wednesday and I want him to be stable there before Bob and I go off to Chicago for two weeks. We will probably pull him and bring him out again if it works out.

All I say is this disease sucks! I'm not gonna let it get the best of me so after this third time, fuck it! It's not gonna comeback! As things unrsvel I'll update the blog to keep everyone in touch.

Enjoy the weekend, I sure am gonna!

Love to All,

Monday, August 10, 2009

Summer Update

Hello Everyone!

It’s been way too long since my last posting! I only see that as good as I have been Living my Life! Yea! We have sold our house, moved, finished a triathlon and received all good news for all my tests!

Fischer and I are on our way to visit our friends Donna, Carol and Carla on Cape Cod for a week. I am in desperate need of a beach vacation and to get away from the loads of boxes still unpacked at our apartment. We closed on our house on July 27th. We are going to rent for a few years, make sure the market goes up, before we buy again. We bought high, sold low and now will wait to buy high again! Just kidding! We want to see where my health will take us. I just need to get a few more tests under my belt to feel secure. My 6 week MRI looked great. My blood work started to go up after my surgery but the doctors weren’t too concerned, I was. It started to show a trend of creeping up and the last one started coming down, whew! I guess it is from the surgery and the radiation. I was all slated for a CT scan last Friday but since the numbers were down, I canceled it. Its very difficult to live day to day thinking it may have come back. I talk myself down and try to just live every day for what it is, enjoying Bob, Fischer and my friends and family to the fullest extent.

I’m leading bike rides for The Wellness Community, our local cancer support network in Bozeman. Its fun and I’m meeting all kinds of fun people! We went down to Sheridan Wyoming so I could walk in my sister Ricki for the last 5 miles of her 100 mile run. She had “for my sister Katie” written on her bib! It was very inspiring for me and made me cry! I actually ran a bit of it with her and her son in law Chris. I did an Xterra triathlon a week and a half ago. I didn’t push it “too hard” and somehow managed to finish! They wrote up a very good article on the race in the local paper, check it out:

Several people have asked me to give talks this fall to hopefully inspire their audiences. This is exactly what I want to do and hope this is only the beginning. When Fischer starts Kindergarten this fall, I’ll start writing my 501c3 for my nonprofit Foundation. We’re gonna help A LOT of people, so get ready!

Love to you all. I think about how much support I get from all my family and friends and how I attribute my success in surviving to all of you. I couldn’t do it without all of you!
You are all my inspiration!
