Saturday, August 29, 2009

August 29, 2009

They say three times a charm? Bad luck happens in threes? Well, I spent yesterday in the ER and my MRI revealed another two tumors on my brain :(. This is just the preliminary report as my Neurological Oncologist has not seen it. I guess I'll be going to Chicago again and will have more surgery :(. I think its safe to say I'm not guite ready for this. Fischer starts Kindergarten this Wednesday and I want him to be stable there before Bob and I go off to Chicago for two weeks. We will probably pull him and bring him out again if it works out.

All I say is this disease sucks! I'm not gonna let it get the best of me so after this third time, fuck it! It's not gonna comeback! As things unrsvel I'll update the blog to keep everyone in touch.

Enjoy the weekend, I sure am gonna!

Love to All,


Unknown said...

Hi Katie, My heart is heavy for you. I know you are a A#1 fighter and you will get through this. I am sending my best thoughts and love your way.One day at a time, one hour at a time. Lots of hugs. Dede

Liz Montoya said...

KOKOKOKOKOKOKOKO. Thinking of you so much since we talked. You are so full of fight, girl. You've kicked it twice before, you'll do it for a third and final time. I know it. See you soon. xoxo, Lizzie

Unknown said...

Hi Katie,
Been thinking about you a lot lately. I know you are in the thick of it, but you have been there before and it will go well for you again. I think you are the strongest person I know.
I hope you are having a beautiful autumn (once it stopped snowing). As you know, we got a very cold cold snap here and all the foliage went from green to brown just like that. No colors. WAAAAH.
I went to China on business recently. Very interesting place! Great food, bad air, incredible history.
Love ya,
Amy Hahn