Sunday, December 20, 2009

Bumpy Road

Hey all - T posting again for Katie & Bob, so I guess you can tell that things may not be going so well. Good news is that things are at least better than they were earlier in the week. So, for those not in the know, Katie is back in the hospital here in Bozeman. She was admitted early Wednesday morning with a bad headache they couldn't get a handle on at home. It's been up and down this week and elaboration will come with the next post. For now, Bob has asked me to update the blog so everyone can know a little more and understand why they haven't been in contact so much. Although they haven't been able to reach out and communicate with many of you, I know that your thoughts, prayers, wishes, - everything means so much to them and if they could answer every phone call and talk to each and every one of you, they would. But for now, it seems just living and concentrating on each moment at hand is monumental in itself. Katie was awake and alert for much of the day, yesterday - but a long, rough, sleepless night has left her worn out today. I anticipate writing a more complete post later today after another update from Bob and to fill you all in on the week. Until then, feel free to post comments for KO & Co. here and Bob will be reading them to her in the hospital. We love you Katie, Bob, & Fischer (Ziggi, too!)


Carrol Mechels said...

Katie, Bob, FIscher and Ziggy,
Want to let you know that you are in our constant thought and prayers. Katie, I am so proud of you for the endurance you have displayed throughout your fight. And you Bob, for the bravery, courage, strength and love that you have displayed to your family when I know that you have been hurting right along with Katie. I want you to know that I/we love you so much. I went to the web site to watch the video that the studio did for you. That displays the Bob Mechels family so well. I will cherish those memories. May your remaining moments with family and friends be precious in your mind and heart. God Bless you.

Love from Carrol and Duane and Missy.

Liz Montoya said...

Hey Hey K.O.! Genn and I stopped by and gave you a goodnight kiss last night. We chatted for awhile with your wonderful college girls. It was great to get to know them a little. We all know and love the same K.O. that's for sure!! Genn is whipping up that quiche for you and we'll bring it up along with a beer for Bobbie O. Sending lots of love to you now and always. xoxoxoxoxoxoxooxxooxxoxo

carol b said...

Katie ~ It's the solstice and so much is on my mind. Wishing I could hold your hand and give you a kiss and share one more laugh. I love you so much. You've shown me a light that I didn't know I had. You are a constant source of inspiration to me and you always will be. Did I give you the Sarah Jarosz CD for your b-day? If so, please find someone to play you the last song - "Sing a little song for me." It's my heart to you. If I didn't send it to you, someone let me know. I want Katie to hear it and I'll forward it on. See you on down the road, my friend. Peace to you.

Unknown said...

Dear Katie,
I just want to say how much you friendship has meant to me. I have always thought of you as more of a sister than just a friend. You have always been the first person I thought of to share happy and sad news, you were there for me whe i had my miscarragie and you were the first person I told when Helen was on her way. Thanks for all the love and fun adventures from climbing to biking. I am sending all my love and comforting thoughts to you and your family. I wish I could be there to give you a hug, but I sending you one from a far.


Unknown said...

Katie, Bob and Fischer,
It is hard for me to find the right words to express what I feel in my heart for you. You are such wonderful people who are loved by everyone who knows you! Katie, you light up a room just by being in it and I love you even more for that! You have inspired me to live for each and every moment, and that life is a gift that should never be taken for granted. You will be present forever in the hearts all of those people that you have touched this way. Right now my wish for you is to feel the love, peace and comfort that is being sent to you and your family by everyone across the miles. We love you KO and will never forget the times we have shared. BIG hugs and kisses to you now and forever. XOXOXOXO
Amy & Brandon
PS. We are now 13 weeks pregnant......and the little nugget just did a karate kick in your honor

Gennifre said...

Katie and Bob - Taylor and I are going to be in Jackson during the holidays and our house is available for the hoards of visitors you're getting. If anyone needs a place to stay while they are in Bozeman, please call me and I'll get you all of the information you need... my cell is 406-579-3427. And, I'm coming back through the hospital today with a quiche and a hug... Love, Gennifre

Unknown said...

As the month passes, it becomes increasingly apparent to me how many lives you touched; such a large number that even a physicist has a hard time wrapping his head around it. I would consider it the single greatest achievement in my life if I could do the same. Part of you will always be with us, and we will always love you for it.


Liza E said...

Katie, Bob, Fischer, and Ziggi:

The Merlin and I think of you and send our love on our daily walks. Mary E, Jen Scho, and Tracey B also send their love to you. Know that the outpouring of love to you from the many simply reflects what you have given to us. Thank you.

Katie O, my coffee meeting with the Disney contact went well. Fingers crossed. Bob, I finished up the laminate in the master bedroom and will be moving to the trim with my pneumatic staple gun - sweet. A flash drive of the photos we recently shared is on its way. Fischer (aka My Buddy or Mr Beefstick, depending), what is happening? Any homework in that backpack? Ziggi, good girl!

Peace and love,

Lau lau

mjcaron said...

Bob, Katie, Fischer,
Although we did not spend too much time together we are thinking of you every day.

Actually, the run we did on Carol and Donna's wedding day was extremely memorable. Running through huge puddles then watching Katie jump into the ocean in early May. It was freezing! So, how can we not be thinking of you. We wish you peace and love.

Melissa and Kathy

mariae said...

Hey Katie!
It was so great to see you this summer! You looked just amazing and you are such an inspiration to me and so many others. Thanks for having the courage to share your life and triumphs and struggles with this disease through this blog. Truly, there are not many that could do the same. You are in my prayers -- God bless you-
Maria Eisemann

Eliza said...

Katie. Hey there. I've been thinking about you tons. And sending you lots of love. As I said in a message I left on your cell phone last week, you are such a symbol of strength, courage and bright spirit. An inspiration to all that have known you. Much love to you and Bob and Fischer. Eliza

Unknown said...

KO, Bob & Fischer;
We love you. You are in our thoughts and prayers during this difficult time. Katie, you have made a difference in so many people's lives. I hope you know what a profound impact you have made, not only in my life but so many others. You have taught me to add playful awareness to my intensity for life.... it allowed me to enjoy the ride much more than I used to. I have been blessed to feel your compassion and unselfish love... I hope some day I will be able to give back to the world even a portion of the love you have shared with so many of your dear friends.
We love you and cherish each moment we have spent with you and every memory.

Donna & Carol

Affordable Family Photography said...

Katie-O ---- I knew from the moment you called me frusterated as hell because you got put in charge of finding people to work at TCP and that you didn't know who to call, so you called me! I knew then that I would love you forever! My kind of Lady - get it done know matter what it takes. I just got through looking at all of your pictures, you are so beautiful and Fischer is so cute as always, Bob made me laugh when he wore the wig! I wanted you to know that you have been a great mentor, friend, Mom(to me too!), and most of all an overall great person! You have touched my heart, and the hearts of many others! You are so awesome Katie O! I love you! You are someone I will always look up to, your courage, constant love and positive attitude in any situation, you are an admirable person and you should be so proud of yourself! I love you love you love you Katie O. I will meet you again at the end of the rainbow, I promise!

I love you Katie, here is a huge HUG!!!

Hugs and Kisses,

Mikaela Winters

Unknown said...

Katie O, Bob & Fischer,
You are all in our prayers. I will never be able to put into words what your family means to me and my family. You have made such a huge impression on everyone with your joy and excitement in life. We all have so much to learn from your dedication and passion, I wish I could be in Montana to hug you all. Love you and God Bless

Stan, Amanda & 2-Standa's