Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Fischer's thoughts

On the way out of the hospital Fischer asked me if spirits could make it snow? I told him his mommy's sure could. We all know how she loved the snow!

And he said "It looks like confetti, like mommy is celebrating getting her wings".

So now everytime it snows, that's what I will believe too.

Bobby O.


Liz Montoya said...

Me too, Fischer. That's what I will believe too. We love you all and you haven't seen the last of us. That crappy little school brought us all together, thanks mostly in part to Katie O, and that bond will never be broken. Thank you for sharing your girl with all of were so gracious to allow us all our time with her. She is free now, running like the wind. So much love to you both - and Ziggi.

Liza E said...

Snow Angel

Blue Collar Velo said...

Bob and Fischer,

I too will believe that each time it snows. What a beautiful and insightful comment by Fischer.

I have to tell you that this afternoon Steve and I decided to celebrate Katies life by doing something she would have done today if she could. We hiked in the snow up to the top of Sol Vista Ski Resort. At the top we stood looking out over the beautiful mountains and watched a herd of elk moving below us. The sun was peeking through the clouds and a storm front was on the horizon. The wind started to pick up and it was suddenly cold, but we couldn't leave until I made a snow angel and wrote a memoriam to Katie in the snow beside it. Steve and I shared our moment with Katie there and said our goodbye for now. Then we ran down the mountain and headed for the warmth of our house. The snowflakes started falling within an hour of our return; they were big and puffy and confetti-like. Katie truly was celebrating getting her wings.

Katie will be forever remembered for her larger-than-life personality, her zest for living, her amazing sense of humor, and her loving/kind way with everyone who crossed her path. There wasn't a judgemental bone in her body. She was a gift from above and a teacher to all. I am thankful for the blessing of her friendship and sisterhood.

Though she may not be visible beside you now, she will be forever in your hearts and ours and her strong spirit will always be near. Use that knowledge now as you grieve.

We love you and are sending strength, love, and prayers your way.

Much love,
Erin, Steve, Shea and Carsten

Unknown said...

Bob & Fischer: Jeff called this a.m. from Denver to tell us of Katie's passing. It is our pleasure to have known and shared some life with her. We have been thinking of all of you for weeks. Know our love and support now in your new journey.
Gayle and Deanne Sandholm

Unknown said...

I'll honor your memory today as I play in the snow with my own boys. Peace Katie

Unknown said...

My heart aches. I am so blessed to have known Katie. She was and forever will be amazing. I too will think of Katie whenever it snows. Love to you both.

A greatful friend said...

My First Christmas in Heaven
I see the countless
Christmas trees
around the world below
With tiny lights, like Heaven's stars,
reflecting on the snow

The sight is so spectacular,
please wipe away the tear
For I am spending Christmas with
Jesus Christ this year.

I hear the many Christmas songs
that people hold so dear
But the sounds of music can't compare
with the Christmas choir up here.

I have no words to tell you,
the joy their voices bring,
For it is beyond description,
to hear the angels sing.

I know how much you miss me,
I see the pain inside your heart.
But I am not so far away,
We really aren't apart.

So be happy for me, dear ones,
You know I hold you dear.
And be glad I'm spending Christmas
with Jesus Christ this year.

I sent you each a special gift,
from my heavenly home above.
I sent you each a memory
of my undying love.

After all, love is a gift more precious
than pure gold.
was always most important
the stories Jesus told.

Please love and keep each other,
my Father said to do.
I can't count the blessing or love
has for each of you.

So have a Merry Christmas and
Wipe away that tear
Remember, I am spending Christmas with
Jesus Christ this year

Unknown said...

Us Neales are so grateful that little school brought us together too! We so appreciate the true lessons Katie and the Boys taught us about love, friendship, strength, and the immense power of positive living. Life is different now, and will always be, and it will be better because Katie shared her time in it with us.

The birds have vanished from the sky/ and now the last cloud drains away/ We sit together, the mountain and me/ until only the mountain remains. Li Po.

Much love, Diana, Kester, and Graham

Melissa said...

Bob and Fischer,

Fischer, you are a wise little boy. Your mom was lucky to have you in her life and she will continue to drop snow confetti from the sky to let you know she is with you.

I was a friend of Katie's from Fort Collins. Many of us here will keep her in our hearts, especially when we are running on the trails. I will keep my eye to the sky for eagles.

Love to both of you and heartfelt prayers and energy.

Melissa Pena MacEachran (Mel)

Unknown said...

My deepest regards to Fischer, Bob, Ziggi and all the family.

After a long time of hearing about 'Katie Ossa, the amazing massage therapist and ultra (cool) athlete' through mutual friends at the Runner's Roost I finally got to meet her just as the winds of life were shifting to blow her and the boys north from Fort Collins to Bozeman. She lived up to and beyond her reputation. I was supposed to be helping her out, but I knew in an instant she was going to be teaching me alot. We talked and shared like we'd known each other for years and I was sad to see her move so soon after we had just begun our friendship. The challenges and struggles in Katie's beatifully intense life clearly were turned from bad to good by her intention and provided her a platform to reach out, connect, and uplift others in a unique way. As I watched the delicate yet awesome snowfall we received here tonight I felt moved to check out the KO Blog for the first time since the summer. After seeing that Katie had completed a triathalon and was leading group bike rides at that time, I fully expected her inconquerable spirit had flipped cancer the bird one last time. After catching up tonight, I still believe her succesful and happy life is a great big middle finger to cancer, but I'm sad I'll never get to tell her that in the flesh. Tell Fischer his mommy was celebrating her wings with confetti over Fort Collins tonight and her spirit was felt here! The one time Katie and I managed to go out we tried to drink some red wine, but I felt blitzed after half a glass and she reached over, grabbed my wrist, felt the energy of my pulse and agreed that the new baby I was planning was definitely on his way. That little boy is now over 2 years old and it's about time KO and I got to finish that drink; so I'm off to grab a glass of red wine and stand under the great big sky in her celebratory confetti snow!
Lots of love, Kim Saunders and Family