Thursday, December 3, 2009

Hello to all it's Ko!
I'm updating this with my terrible eyesight. so forgive me for all the typos etc. people are wondering if it is ok to come and visit. so far I am not ready for a slew of people. I'm still healing and trying to function through the day on my own. there are a couple of people coming up but you know it will be self maintainence. I'm not driving yet and am still overwhelmed by trying to heal every day. I do look foward to
greg cooking!

check out this fabulous website

The hspital set it up with these awesome people from Winslow Studio to take some portraits of the three of us they turned out fantastic! they made a book of portraits for us and we are gonna order a huge print for one of our walls. The difficult part will be which print to pick. Any suggestions?

Thanks and love to you all! I love hearing from you. You are all doing so well in helping to take care of myself and my family amd I'm forever grateful for that!
I loveyou all!


Blue Collar Velo said...

Katie, I just got off of the phone with you and checked the pictures from the website. They are great!!! They really captured all of you, even Ms. Ziggy. Thanks so much for sharing. Thanks for the great conversation too. Hope you have a wonderful day. We miss you!

Love you so much,

Angie said...

OMG! Your photos are amazing! You are so beautiful! What a wonderful job they did. You are do you possibly choose just one? Thank you for sharing your gorgeous family with us. I love you so much! You are an inspiration each and every day!

Love you bunches,

mflenner said...

Hi Katie,

Helen and I looked at your photos and Helen siad it was nice of you to share your hair. I just had to share that with you.

Lots of love
the Flenners

Unknown said...

KO, The photos are great. I don't know how you are going to pick just one. Maybe you could get a frame that you could exchange the photos every month and pick 12 :-). Love you so much. I don't want to bug you but will try to call you soon. I need to hear your voice! Love you. Ddub

Unknown said...

Hi KO!

WOW- those photos are just incredible! I say you keep all of them and get a digital photo frame! We love you so much and think about you daily. You are truly an amazing woman.

Hugs and kisses to you, Bob and Fischer!
Amy & Brandon

Layla 'n Pip said...

Katie -- you're right, they did an amazing job! You all are so beautiful.

Hard though it is to choose one, I don't want to wuss out on offering an opinion since you asked ... I love the one where you and Fisher are nose-to-nose.

Hugs to all!


Unknown said...


Beautiful pictures of you and your family. I am sending good mojo your way. Thinking about you!


Unknown said...


The pictures of you and your family are beautiful! I am sending good mojo your way. Thinking about you,


Annie said...

Hi Katie,
am at work but sneaking a look at your pics...yes they are very beautiful of course, but have to tell you (what you already know) and that is how incredibly striking Fischer's eyes are. Haven't seen him since I bumped into you on the bike trail when he was bundled up in a stroller. I've also read your news and wanted to tell you how much I'm thinking of you all and what an incredible inspiration you are to us all. Wishing you all the strength and fight in the World and tell you that you are never far from my thoughts. Miss you Kaite, lots and lots of love Annie xxxx

Suzabell Muses said...

Great shots. I swear I do not have a foot fetish but I love some of the ones with your feet in the forground you have great feet and they just were striking for some reason bizarre as it sounds! 3 years ago this weekend we were at the team bob christmas party talking about the impending adoption of my little girl who was born the day after that party. She will be 3 on sunday and is a total joy. Thank you for sharing some of your pain and joy of your story that night.

RachelB said...

Katie, those photos are beautiful, funny, and heartbreaking.
Fischer is such a beautiful child...
We love you and send lots of warm hugs.

Rachel & Scott Blunk

mjcaron said...

Hi Katie, thanks for sharing the photos.. they are beautiful.