Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Katie O has got her wings

Greetings all,

I just wanted to share with you that my precious, beautiful, wonderful love got her wings and flew away this morning.

She had been in the hospital for over a week with incredible pain in her neck and head. Yesterday her breathing pattern changed and this morning she passed on to the next world.

Fischer and I spent the night with her last night, we had a slumber party and opening Christmas presents. I got up several times during the night to lay with her and talk to her and let he know it was ok to go and that her boys would be ok. But typical Katie, she did not want to hurt us or have us see her passing so she waited until just after we left to go see how Ziggi and company were doing.

On the drive back to the hospital we saw the shape of an eagle in the clouds just below the sun, the only gap in the clouds in the entire valley. For those of you who don’t know, the bald eagle has been Katie’s source of strength and inspiration though out the past two years of health challenges. We got to give her body some last hugs, kisses and words but we knew she was already soaring high above.

Katie’s sister Stacy and I are incredibly relieved that she is suffering no longer. That was harder to watch than hearing she is finally free for me. Anyone who knows Katie knows she hated laying there unable to do all those wonderful things she did… running, biking, skiing, laughing, playing, hugging, skinny dipping, etc.

The love and support for Katie and her boys has been overwhelming and I am truly grateful for all of you and for ten incredible years with my perfect match, my true love, my princess Katherine Isabella Ossa.

Thank you all so much for being a part of our lives and I hope that continues.

I love you all,

Bobby O.


Carrol Mechels said...

Bob and Fischer,

I am so sorry to hear the news about Katie's passing. Yet I am relieved that she is no longer in pain. I am truly blessed to have been able to see her on November 3rd when we stopped at the hospital in Billings. I felt in my heart that would be the last time I would see her. I will not soon forget the look that she gave me as we left. She was definitely a beautiful young lady and oh so brave. She did not want us to see her get sick from the medication that the nurse had just given her.

I am down in Denver with my kids for xmas and I send my love to you at this sad time in your lives. Just feel my arms around you in a big hug of love, also Angie, Celeste and all of the family. God Bless you all, I love you.


Spinman (GC) said...

KO, Bob and Fischer...

As a tradition, my family and I watch "It's a Wonderful Life" right around Christmas time, and we did last night (Wednesday). I will always think of you as the character Clarence as he earns his wings. He had to work hard to get his - Katie, they came to you very easy and naturally.

I love you KO !!!

- GC

Ms. Rachel said...

Bob and Fischer,

Jeff and I are very sorry to hear that Katie has passed away, But I know she is in a good place. She was a fighter and did everything she could to stay with you guys.
We wish you both well and hope your new year is filled with joy.

Love from
Mrs Rachel and Jeff