Monday, January 18, 2010

1 comment:

Liz Montoya said...

Bob and Fischer - it was a beautiful day in every way - except that, of course, our girl wasn't with us...but she was in spirit - that is for sure. We saw ladybugs on the way up - LADYBUGS! In January? Yep, we did. And, we walked up the face of the M with four year olds and not one whine, not one cry, not one sour word. All of us were so appreciative to be there, to be breathing in life and to be witnessing the celebration of such an amazing life and a beautiful family. We love you guys! I've looked up at that "M" no less than 100 times and smile...there's the "M"om-i-O up there, smiling down on the world. xoxoxox, Lizzie