Monday, February 18, 2008

Feb 18th. Chemo Brain!

Hello all,
I'm tired so won't type much. Fischer has been sick all last week with a fever and cough. I haven't hugged him since over a week ago. It is really difficult to not hug your child! I'm getting a bit down about it but there is no way I can afford to get sick! Such is cancer!

I've been feeling a bit yucky. My stomach is hurting and I have some indegestion/heartburn. My head feels fuzzy and kind of aches at times. Almost like a hangover. My memory?....forget it! There is no such thing a a memory for me right now. So if you have called and I haven't called you back, call me again because I've forgotten and forgot to write it down! My leg joints and muscles were really hurting on Saturday. They were better yesterday morning and started hurting again yesterday afternoon. I actually drove Fischer to day care this morning! It gets uncomfortable standing for any length of time. My stomach just starts hurting. I keep saying that I may wish I feel like this in several months, this may be a good day instead of an ok kind of yucky feeling day! We'll see....

I'm off to take a nap! You all enjoy your day!



EmilyC said...

Thinking about you this week, thanks for the update. Keep your chin up.
Emily,Brian and Elise Cathcart

Tanguayfamily said...

We are all thinking of you, sending warm thoughts and positive energy.
Best wishes,
Paul, Jen, Olivia and Paige Tanguay