Sunday, February 3, 2008

Superbowl Sunday- go Pats!!!!!!

Fischer at a fish tank in Billings Hospital. He is carrying the eagle I gave him. I have seenmore bald eagles since I've been sick than I've seen in all my life. Their symbol is strength and endurance. I go Bob, Fischer and I all eagles before going into the hospital.

I'm feeling better and better each day. I'm in the stage where I'm getting bored lying/sitting on the couch but yet don't have the energy to get up and do much. It still takes a lot to go up the stairs to our bedroom. I've been sitting outsied for the past few days. The fresh air and sunshine feel good on my face. I actually took Ziggi across the street to go potty the other day and got in big trouble from Bob. It is really icy out and I can fall easily. He fell the other day coming back from the mailbox.

I go to the oncologist for an update in Billings on Tuesday. I'll let post the news on the blog on Wednesday. Going to a Superbowl party today! My biggest outing in over two weeks! I'm looking forward to laying on somebody else's couch for a couple of hours!

Thank you everybody for all your support! It will help carry me through until I am cancer free!

Love to all,

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