Thursday, January 31, 2008


Hello All,
I realize that it's been too many days since my last blog. I apologize for that. I guess I've been in a little bit of denial and self loathing for the past few days. I got the results from my oncologist onMonday night. I have StageIII C Ovarian Cancer. Stage III C means it has "technically" spread to other areas of my body. They took out 31 lymph nodes and he said they found cancer in 4 of them microscopically. They also found about a centimeter size piece of tumor in my omentum, the connective tissue that holds your guts together. I was kind of dumbfounded when he told me. We had discussed him putting an intraperitoneal (IP) tube in my belly during the surgery if he thought it had spread and I would need chemo. He didn't put it in. I think he was stunned too.

I have decided to have the tube put in, will probably happen about two weeks from now. They'll do it as an outpatient surgery. Guess I"ll have to stop taking coumadin for a few days and shoot myself up again. We sare still working n clearing and prevanting any more blood clots, makes it more fun to deal with this!! When he puts it in they will give me my first dose of chemo. I go to him this coming Tuesday so I will have more information after that but is is gonna go like this. They will do chemo on day one and day eight. for a fifteen day cycle. Day one is chemo via IP and IV in my arm. Day eight is chemo via IP. then day one it starts over again. this will continue for six cycles. Bozeman hasn't done this yet so I will have to go over to Billings every eight days. My hair may or may not fall out. The doc says probably it will. I may get really scik or I may not. I'll keep you updated on the puke scene! This is the most recent successfull treatment and gives me a better chance of getting rid of this. My doctor said some women have it worse than me and others have it better and he is going to cure me. I love him because that is what is going to happen. I've been through too much in my life to let this get me and I'm going to fight every step of the way! I still have a hundred mile run to finish! This will be the beginning of my training!

I am feeling better today. I feel good enough to not really lay on the couch or bed yet not good enough to do anything else. I still walk around hunched over and don't feel ike going too far, like only walking to the bathroom and to the bedroom. I guess it is a little boredom. At least it is the first day of it and that is good because I don't feel I need to sleep all day today! I'm a bit down 'cuz I can't do anything. Lori tells me I'm gonna have to take up underwater basket weaving! I just can't cut myself on the hook or I'll bleed to death!

I realy appreciate all of the support you all are giving me. I'm sorry I've been delinquent in posting. You can always call me 406-581-5900 if you want, email me or post some comment on this blog. If I can't or don't want to answer the phone, I won't. You are most likely to get a response from me if you call. Don't be surprised if it takes a few days for me to respond to calls. I sometimes get overwhelmed and need to shut down. I will start answering emails but my eyes have trouble following letters and my hands get sore typing so much. Due to the DVT.

You guys are what is going to get me through this and I'm gonna need help every step of the way. I really appreciate the response I've been getting.

Bob and Fischer are doing quite well. Bob's sister Angie just left this morning and he;ped us out tremendously. Fischer had a breakdown last night and Bob and I just held him. He knows I'm sick and getting better. He says "Mommy, you have threads just like Dyno!" (where I've sewn up Dyno from getting so well used.) We just haven't gone there with the cancer word yet.

My hands hurt so I'm gonna stop now.

I Love you All,

1 comment:

Mathis said...

Hola Katie O!!!

The Mathis's say hi to you and we want to let you know that we're all pulling for you. John and I have been keeping up to date with the Roost guys - Larry, Bill and Steve. In fact, there was a Roost Super Bowl party yesterday - we wish you were there...

We've been following your blog - thanks so much for typing the informtional emails and letting us know whazzup :)

John wants to talk to ya soon - and hey...we need to go back to "Mexico Baby!" - by the way, Fischer would love Ackumal and the cool snorkeling!!!
Love Ya!
John, Cathy, Shelby and Nick