Friday, January 25, 2008

Jan 24, 2008 6:30 pm

Hi all,

Katie, her highness, ordered a frosty from Wendy's. We immediately obliged. She had a bite and said "mmmmmm" which we took as a good sign. She ate half of a small one and one and one half saltine crackers - and liked them. She is also on valium and percocet (sp?). She is has very entertaining things to say: When we walked in the door she told the nurse she kept seeing strange things (we tried not to take it personally) She asked what time the parade is tomorrow. She asked how we play cribbage with broccoli. Rebecca and I actually played cribbage with a cribbage board and cards while she drifted in and out of sleep. Lori trounced Rebecca at cribbage the first game then claimed to be very tired when Rebecca was winning the second game. Fischer and Bob spent the afternoon building a snow fort, then went out to dinner. they stopped by the hospital for a kiss goodnight then went home for a good nights sleep.

more later

L & R

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