Friday, January 25, 2008

Jan 24, 2008 3:30

Hi all,

This is Lori G and Rebecca S in Billings with Katie O. We got in Thurs afternoon to see Katie at the hospital. She looks great! She is not moving very fast since she was taken off of the morphine. She is nausuas, noshious, noshus - sick to her stomach. Rebecca says the big thing seems to be her belly - literally. She hasn't passed any gas but she is working on it! They gave her a suppository to help but all it did was make everything spasm including her surgery owies so she doesnt want to do that again. She is on Heparin as a blood thinner because it can be out her system within an hour if they need to open her up again for anything. She is tired so we left her alone for a while to take a nap.

L & R

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