Friday, January 25, 2008

Jan 25. 2008 11:30

Hi all,

This morning Katie is not feeling so good. She did not have such a good nights sleep. She is back on fluids. Bob is trying to get her to eat some breakfast. Fischer is hanging out with us (Lori & Rebecca again). He is showing us around the hospital. We tried to get on a computer at the hospital (ok, Lori) but they are blocked from outside internet so we (Lori) broke past the internet security and got on line for a couple minutes but they caught her before she could get very far (online not running away). We are now at the Billings police station - not really - we are at the library.
We are waiting to hear from Bob. He has had a whole morning alone with Katie providing some one on one support. Bob is doing great. He has Fischer to keep him company and keep him moving and occupied. He is wonderful support for Katie - she brightens up when she knows he and Fischer are coming.
The room Katie is in is bright, cheerful, and smells great with all the flowers. The nurses like to come into her room it smells so good. She really needs to start farting. Bob did say she was somewhat successful last night.
When Bob is ready he will meet Fisher, Rebecca, and Lori to trade places and take Fischer swimming.
We will try to update later when we find another unattended computer ;)

Lori & Rebecca

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