Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Chemo Day


here is the hairless chick!

Just as I'm beginning to feel like a human again I go for chemo again today. One day at a time. I will be 1/3 finished after today!

Please understand that I do enjoy hearing from all of you and that I'm not calling back is not because I don't want to. This is just kicking my ass. i will be feeling better next week as I have it off. Hopeful to return calls and emails then. After today I'll be sleeping it off for a few days!

Thank you all so much,

Much Love,


EmilyC said...

Thanks for the post. We were wondering what you looked like without the hair. I know it's not your favorite hairstyle but you can pull it off! Keep up the great attitude and keep in touch.
Emily, Brian & Elise Cathcart

Bozeman Massage Therapy LLC said...

got you the book "Crazy Sexy Cancer" , sounded like perfect inspiration for a crazy sexy and motivated lady like you currently battling some cancer!

It's on its way! It was a tip from a friend so I hope it's good...

Check out the the site there's a video too if you like the book-

Perhaps see you this weekend!

Missy said...

Katie, My thoughts are with you often. Thanks for the blog, even with all you've been through, you look great. You are in good hands with those Billings Oncologists, that area has a well developed medical community. Keep up you spirits and good work!

Spinman (GC) said...

You weren't kidding - you do have a nice head (almost as nice as mine). Now I'll have to live up to my end of the deal - but as you know, I don't have a lot of work to shave my head. Love you. - GC

Steveo said...

You are almost as cute as Fisher-almost.

Can we trade legs?


Steveo said...

Stay the course.

Maybe Leadville 100 or life.

Life is like that 100 miler, you never quit.
