Saturday, March 8, 2008

Chemo Sucks

Hello All,
I'm going to attempt writing. My brain is really fuzzy so you'll have to do with incomplete sentences and some typos.

They put in the port and gave me my first Intraperitoneal chemo treatment on Wednesday. It was not a very fun day. They filled my abdomen up so full that I was having trouble breathing (my diaphragm was getting flooded out!) I tried to call the nurse but apparantly my nurse call button did not work. So I kinked my lines after about 20 minutes of them not coming in and it set the alarm off on my IV pump. Then I had to turn on my right and left sides for 15 minutes each for two hours. This was to stew all my internal organs with the chemo.

It hurs so bad to turn. I'm not sure if it was ecause of the surgery or because my muscles were so distended but they had to give me morphine to lessen the pain. I really don't like the side effects of morphine or any of those heavy duty pain meds. I took a couple of darvocets when I got home and am trying to not take any more because the pain has subsided most of the time.

We got home around 9:30 on Wednesday (the day of chemo). I slept all day on Thursday and then Friday I was very uncomfortable and kind if restless so Ididn't sleep at all. Last night was another rough night.

I'm hoping the sore ab part will get better as the tretments go. Maybe my abs will stretch better. Or at least condition themselves!

As much as I'm complaining I am very thankful for the technology of this chemo and feel that this will ged rid of any lingering tiny tumors in my body. I know it will be a difficult ride but am anticipating the end and the enriched life I will lead because of this.

Thank you all for your comments, letters, packages and support. You all are my cheering squad and it really helps to hear from you. I apologize if I'm not responding to each and every one of you. I'll get there. I have a great picture of a "peep show"that Fischer created last night from Janice and Larry (you crazy kids!)! Will post it soon!

Much love,

Pictures to follow soon. My hair is almost comletely GONE! Sexy!......cold!

1 comment:

Bozeman Massage Therapy LLC said...

Katie! So sorry I missed you this weekend but glad I could get the catch up through the Blog! Let me know when you are up for some mellow social time and the tea squad will arrive! Much love...I'm thinking about you alot!