Monday, June 2, 2008



Hey All,
I'm done! I actually finished last Tuesday the 27th. I was in the doctor's office and crying to the PA because I was feeling like shit and the doc walked in and told me we could do the IV therapy instead of the IP therapy. He told me it would not be detrimental to my treatment so I said 'go for it'! So I"m finished! I've still been feeling like shit, this weekend was pretty bad. Today I feel a little better and have gotten up off the couch a couple of times. I still need a stool to help me out when I'm in the kitchen trying to get something. My stamina and endurance are TOTALLY shot. I'm thinking I'll be able to walk around the house by next weekend. Its gonna take a while to get on the bike and go any distance. I'm really looking forward to going for a run and to having my hair GROW! Any bets on color? Texture? I'm totally out of shape and feel very blah. You know how it is when you can;t exercise for a while? I have funky drugs in me that need to be OUT, like steroids and fun drugs like that.

I'm looking forward to trying to go to Ft Collins at the end of July/beginning of August. I'll keep everybody posted. I just worry that I might not have enough energy by then, we'll see! Bob and I are talking about taking two weeks this fall and driving around the Southwest U.S. We want to do Moab and just keep going! I don't know if I'll be mountain biking by then as I may still be on blood thinners.

Ziggi will be coming home soon! I really miss her! Teri has been awesome in taking care of her while we haven't been able to. I hope she wants to come home and be with us! She is getting such good care at Teri's! She was spayed just a week and a half ago. Everything went well.

Fischer is doing well. He is having fun at day care and wants to wear his jammies everyday. We let him one day a week. I sure miss spending quality time with him and look forward to that coming back quickly.

I have a lot of peripheral neuropathy in my hands and feet. They are numb most of the time. My taste is coming back slowly and I think this last chemo treatment was less harsh on my taste buds. Yea! I can't wait until a tall glass of ice water actually tastes good and quenches my thirst! My body has been deprived for so long!

Love to you all, thank you for supporting me! This time will be crucial for me as now that the chemo is done I still will be going through all the emotional gifts you get with being cured from cancer. I will be in touch and will start making contact with those I have neglected.
Thanks again!

Picctures to come soon with little wisps of hair!


Spinman (GC) said...

Yea Katie O. That's AWESOME news. Knowing you, you'll be back riding, running, skiing, hiking before you know it. See you soon girlfriend.

- Greg

Layla 'n Pip said...

Yeah, KO! I'm so glad to hear that you're done with chemo. I think I will place my bet on blonde, curly hair, just like Ziggi.

EmilyC said...

Yipee Yipee Yipee!!!!

We are so overwhelmed for you and the family Katie. It's uplifting to hear about you coming out on top! After what you have all been through we just hope you have nothing but sunshine ahead! We can't wait to see you this summer!

Em, Brian & Elise

Bobby O said...

Katie O, my love!
You have handled this all with sooo much grace. I'd already forgotten how much you've endured until I looked back through the early blog entries. WOW are you an amazing woman! The light at the end of the tunnel is getting brighter now... I LOVE YOU FOREVER!
A special thanks to all who've come to visit and help us (me) out.

Bobby O.

Bobby O said...
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mariae said...

Alright--you are done! I'm thinking maybe red, curly hair! Yeah! Let us know when you come to Fort Collins, would love to see you.

Maria E.

MelandRich said...

So glad to hear the good news. Congratulations!! You are such an inspiration. Look forward to you getting back doing all the things you love.
Take care,
Mel and Rich Davis (Ft. Collins)