Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Here in Billings! I had a Ct scan of my chest, as and pelvis an they all came out clean! Yea! My Oncologist is pretty optomistic about these lesions on my brain but the Neurosurgeon is a bit freaked out. He says he ca't biopsy them and they just need to come out. They're looking for a Friday surgery. He thinkd they have a role with the ovarian cancer and that I should be prepared for that. In the meanwhile my oncologist is calling around the nation talking to neuro-oncologists to see if what they are planning ondoing is the best thing for me. I completely trust him and will discuss his recommendations when he has all his info gathered.

I'm really scared. I don't want my brain cut into. They need to take out a window sized piece near the occiput (lower back skull) and then remove the tumors. Then they take a piece of my TFL and replace the dural matter then replace the bone. The whole process takes about 5 hours. (I think I;m gonna have a BIG headache after that! Guess I'll be in ICU for a couple of days then here at the hospital for a week. Yucko!

They're talking about placing some chemo tablets into my brain before they close it up. It will help to get rid of anything that may be left over.

ill write moretomorrow, I'm tired tonight. Bob is watching the BB game and I will fall asleep to it!

Thanks for all your letters of encouragement!



Liza E said...

OK KO. Many thoughts and energies are directed your way. Many anatomical parts are crossed and wood has been knocked.

Love to you, Bob, and Fischer

Lau Lau

Bozeman Massage Therapy LLC said...

Katie! Good luck over there. Thinking about you, and please let me know if there's anything I can do for you. Keep us posted! love ya, Jenny

Tiffany S said...

Hugs and kisses to you and Bobby (I will give Fischer Bean some in person). I am sending good juju eastbound and keeping you in my thoughts girl. Lots of love, T-Dawg

Melissa Schiff said...

I am thinking of you - nonstop.... you are so strong, so brave, so beautiful. I am coming over to Billings to be with you... for support, for anything you need. I have known you such a short time but you have impacted my life so very much. I will see you soon.. I know you will be ok - I know you will beat this. I have total faith and belief in you. Be strong... see you soon.... Melissa Schiff

Lori G said...

Hi Katie O - Val says - You're scared, I'm scared, we're all scared. Keep your optimism and spirit, they've worked miracles before.
I love you friend... Vali Pali

chalmmin said...

Our prays are with you, Bob and Fischer.
Be strong and brave. We will be waiting for the good news that is sure to come.
Michael & Melissa C

Laura Huggins said...

Hey Katie O,
I am getting very positive vibes about you. Remember, I have seen you climb hard in your weakest moment. You are super women. I have no doubt you will be even stronger when this blip is behind you (maybe even smarter). We are looking forward to hanging with Ziggy and Fischer this weekend.
Love, Laura

Spaz said...

Hey Sunshine!!!!
You need some more instructions? Insert &!^#% ton down here? Withdraw cup-o-&$*^@% up here?
The Bean has been in good spirits and Zig left no marks over night, so maybe we'll brave it in the house tonight! We miss you and love you!

Kristie Kirby said...


I'm thinking and sending positive thoughts. I admire your strength, it is so inspiring. I know you're scared, but YOU CAN DO IT. I miss talking to you. Talk to you soon. Love, Kristie

carol b said...


We're all here for you like never before. Whatever you need, so it shall be. Hope to be of help in Chicago or wherever. Just let me know. xxoo, xoxo. Peace out sexy girl.
