Sunday, November 8, 2009

Good Enough To Eat

Hey everyone, T posting again and have an update from yesterday. So the stent is doing the job - Katie is feeling much better and getting back to her usual self. After a difficult early morning where she was feeling a little disoriented and still not sure why exactly she's in ICU, Rikki came in and helped her sort it out. Bob & Fischer & Grandma made their way over to Billings and Bob hung out with KO for the remainder of the day. By then she was feeling chipper and still is wanting to get the heck out of there. But, since the stent is keeping her from that, she requested a Subway sandwich, chips, & and had a bite of pumpkin pie - great to hear she's eating. Bob said she didn't need any pain meds yesterday and her nausea was under control without any medication either! Fantastic, Katie!!!

Unfortunately, the hospital has restricted any visiting children due to concerns about H1N1, so Fischer hasn't been able to go with Bob to see Katie. But the two of them are planning on heading over to the indoor water park this afternoon. Rikki will be in town for the week and it sounds like some other folks are planning on visiting Katie this week. Bob said that visitors are ok and familiar faces are welcome. Not sure how long she'll have to stay in ICU, the cytology report has to come back before anything more long term (and portable - like a shunt) can be placed. As of now, the report is expected on Monday. So that's it for now...things are looking up.

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