Friday, November 6, 2009

Not out of the woods, but getting better...

Hey all, T here again with the latest - it's been quite a whirlwind for the last 24 hours, but happy to say that Katie is feeling a little feisty, today. She's still in the ICU, but has made some strides since yesterday. To bring you all up to speed as to what has happened and what is going on...

So here's the skinny from Bob: Yesterday morning around 5 am, Katie slumped over and was unresponsive, her right pupil dilated. After a short time, this resolved and she became more responsive but had a number of these "episodes" and didn't really become fully responsive or awake. Sounds like there were concerns these were seizures or something else causing pressure on the brain, so she was sedated and intubated (breathing tube) and on a ventilator (breathing support so her brain didn't have to work so hard and could just rest) which is a very quick way to end up in ICU. CT scans of the head, chest, and abdomen apparently came back clear...good, but still no specific answers. Lumbar puncture (spinal tap) results showed higher pressure than the one done last week and elevated protein, Bob says further tests are pending to clarify the results.

The good news is that when the pressure was relieved after the spinal tap, Katie's pupil symptoms and episodes went away ... so a neurosurgeon was brought in to evaluate her to figure out how to keep the pressure down. A stent in the lower back is doing the trick and her fluid pressure is staying down which means... KO is now extubated (off the ventilator & no breathing tube), awake, talking (dropping "F" bombs), and already wanting to get out of the hospital! Sound like anyone we know?! WE LOVE YOU, KATIE O!!!

At any rate, it's nice to hear she's awake and talking, but there's still a lot of monitoring and assessing to come to find out if there has been any fallout from all this - as well as sorting out the Why?. So for now, she gets to stay in ICU and it's day to day. But for now it looks like the trees are thinning and maybe she'll be out of the woods, soon...?

Melanie & Bill and the girls went over to Billings last night and stayed with Bob, cooked him up a hearty breakfast, and went with him to the hospital this morning. Katie's sister Rikki (not sure if I spelled that right...) is coming in today and Bob's mom is here looking after Fischer. I stopped by to say "hi" to them this morning. Ziggi is in poodle paradise at Christie's.

I know Bob & Katie are so thankful for all that is being done physically, mentally, emotionally, metaphysically - every way, and so thankful for all their friends and family. I know it means so much for them that we are all "here" and "there" - so thank you for all you are and all you are doing, everywhere.

Stay tuned...

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