Thursday, February 28, 2008

Hello everyon've!

It's been too long since my last post. I've been doing great and having fun! I went to Colorado last weekend and spent the time up in Breckenridge with my awesome friends! It was a real pshchological boost for me and I've been sleeping much better since then.

OK-I'm having a couple of REALLY emotional days. I just had Jason shave my head last night. My hair has started falling out and I'm mourning the loss of it. I know its temporary, and I know it will (most likely) grow back but I'm just having a really difficult time with it! Its funny because I had to have Ziggi shaved the day before because she was so badly matted. She looks silly and is cold and I feel like she looks! Thats really FUNNY! (makes me laugh).

Here are some pictures. Ziggi with me looking tired. That picture was taken on a Sunday after chemo on Wednesday. I was on the up swing from feeling bad from chemo. The next pic is me having chemo and eating a very BIG bear claw with apples in it. There wasn't much at the hospital to eat and we had to be there so early! It did taste good! The next pic is my Oncologist's PA Caroline. I really think she's great! Very supportive and great to talk with!

I'll post more pictures in another blog. I had my hair cut short last week. It looked really cute. Eugenia cut it for me, Thanks Eugenia!!!

1 comment:

jwelzel said...

glad you had a good trip to colorado.
the wife of one of the guys who was on the cross country team with me at university of massachusetts has survived cancer twice and has a cool website.
take good care. thinking of you.