Tuesday, February 12, 2008

"I'm too sexy for my stockings....too sexy for my pole" This was me trying to pole dance when in the hospital. I think just standing there was the exercise for the day!

Now I am going for SHORT walks outside. It feels good to get the fresh air. I really miss running and hope to get going with that in a few weeks!? I'm now three weeks out from surgery. They said six weeks so I"m half way there!!!!!

I'll post more later this week. I'm going to Billings today to see the doc. Having a minor set back and may not be able to put the port in tomorrow. They'll do chemo via IV tomorrow if no port. I just want to get this ball rolling!!!!!

Thanks to you all for the generous support! I couldn't do this without all of you!



EmilyC said...

Katie! We have to say we are so disappointed that the 3 of you are having to go through this. We know this journey will have it's ups and downs and as friends we will do what we can to support you from afar. We are certain, just like your doctor that you will be a surivor and be on the well side of things again. Your blog is simply impressive and we are so grateful you will let us into your life to share what will be as an inspiring and sucessful life story for you and your family. We'll check in a few times a week and send care packs to you here and there. If you keep showing off those sexy stockings we might have to even blog a reply!
Much healing,health and love to you! Emily, Brian and Elise Cathcart

mariae said...

Hey Katie!
Just found out from friends here about your illness, and read your amazing blog.
The thing I always liked about you as a friend and running buddy is that you got spunk. I know you are a strong woman. Dang, I've run up Tower Rd. with you and you got POWER. I have no doubt that you are going to kick this thing into the next galaxy.
You got lots of folks down here in Ft. Collins pulling for you. If this chemo gets you down or makes you tired, rest on the thought of all of us holding you up. You just rest on that.
Thanks for this blog, the pictures are great. I hope you keep it up--I"ll be checking in.
God Bless you, Katie--
Maria Eisemann

bmich21 said...

Hey Katie!!

Colleen and I have been talking alot about you, Bob and Fischer. We think about you guys daily and feel your optimism and spirit is inspiring. Usually the sick need words of inspiration and hope, but in your case you are providing everyone with strength and optimism. You have so many friends in the Fort that think and talk about you and we KNOW that you will beat this. When Fischer grows up and hits hard times, he will think back to when his mother was diagnosed with cancer and he'll remember her enthusiasm, hope and how she conquered it. We love you so much and look forward to keeping up with your blog.

Bill and Colleen Blair Michel

bmich21 said...

Hey Katie!!

Colleen and I have been talking alot about you, Bob and Fischer. We think about you guys daily and feel your optimism and spirit is inspiring. Usually the sick need words of inspiration and hope, but in your case you are providing everyone with strength and optimism. You have so many friends in the Fort that think and talk about you and we KNOW that you will beat this. When Fischer grows up and hits hard times, he will think back to when his mother was diagnosed with cancer and he'll remember her enthusiasm, hope and how she conquered it. We love you so much and look forward to keeping up with your blog.

Bill and Colleen Blair Michel