Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Almost half way done with chemo!

Hello All,
It was day 1 of my third cycle of chemo yesterday. It wasn't as bad as the last day 1. I did get all swollen and uncomfortable but the pain wasn't nearly as horrible. I was dreading it and now I know I can handle it. I guess I knew I could handle it but yesterday made it seem like this will be very do-able.

Last week was a good one. I climbed at the gym twice, tele skied at Bridger on Tuesday and ran twice. Of course they weren't the normal ways I like to do these things but at least I was out there. It made me feel like a human being again. It's nice to know I'll have some good days amidst the not so good ones.

My CA215 levels (the cancer marker levels in my blood for ovarian cancer were down to 13 last week! Well elow the normal range. I am thrilled and know this all is going to work and I will be 100% better when this is all done.

I'm looking for some input. I am trying to come up with a slogan to make the bracelets that our friend Lance made millions off of. You know those little yellow bracelets that we all wear? I want it to be related to me and how I fight and have the courage to battle cancer and how I thrive on life. A friend of mine came up with Katiestrong. I like it but don't want to get sued by anyone for copyright infringements when my foundation (yes, I'm going to start a foundation to help cancer patients/survivors) becomes HUGE! So everybody put your heads together and come up with some catchy fun slogans that will be held close to everyones hearts for many years to come.

I also need to let you know that I can't respond to some of you who have responded to this blog. I don't get your email addresses when you respond. If you could either email me or add your email address to the response. I am so far behind in responding to people its overwhelming. I'm sorry and I'll get there some day. It means so much to me to hear from all of you and to know that I have so much support out there. I am truly blessed to have all of you in my life!

Donna and Carla are coming this Friday to help us out for almost a full week! Donna comes from Webster NY and Carla from Boston. I'm looking forward to having them ere and I think it will be a great mental boost for me. Rebecca and Kurt were for a weekend two weeks ago. We had so much fun! I actually felt pretty good and we really enjoyed their visit!!!

I'll keep updating and I'll do it more frequently. Sorry I've lapsed.

Love to all,


jwelzel said...

I think you should use the slogan
KO Cancer for Knock Out Cancer.
Who is your friend from Webster, NY?
That is where Doug is from.
Hope you are having a good day.
Jane Welzel

EmilyC said...

I like Jane's idea. Very cool.
We are sending you a care package this week for your family. One idea I had for the bracelet would be "Katiescured" or "Katiescure"
Keep up the great work!
Emily Cathcart