Thursday, April 30, 2009

Ok, I know y'all are getting antsy. I know I am. Right now I'm on Decadron (sp) a steroid that reduces swelling and for me it's like being on speed . Not that I've ever taken speed but I can imagine. I'm really driving Bob crazy. (Bob says you are supposed to read this really fast to get the full effect!)

I was supposed to have brain surgery tomorrow at 7:30. The Neurosergeon here is just a general surgeon and my oncologist in Bozeman was not comfortable with that so he called around and got me into a specialist at North Western Memorial Hospital in Chicago. This guy is the Surgical Director of Neuro Oncology and is a Neurooncologist. I just got released by my doctor and am waiting for my dismissal ppers. Then a two hour drive home, of which Bob has to do because I'm not allowed to drive.

I need to have surgery to remove these two "lumps", "masses", or what ever you choose to call them. It is a pretty involved surgery and can have some temporary and possibly permanent side effects. Mostly my balanc and coordination. My doc here says I will still be the Katie everybody knows and loves, (not some drooling idiot) :) Nobody knows if this is mets from the ovarian cancer or not. They will find out during surgery. If it is then they will give me radiation and some other chemo that can go to my brain. I can do both of those in Bozeman. There is a possibility it is not even cancer and again they won't know until they get in there.

My spirits are pretty good, especially on this steroid. Now I know why athletes use the stuff, I feel like going out for a 100 mile run right now! I am freaked out a bit but also know that my best option is to get these things removed and go forward from there. So much for my climbing trip to Lander in May! I'll have to go in June or omething!

Just got sprung, I need to get outta here! Will write more tomorrow. Going home to Bozeman and will probably leave for Chicago Sunday. Will let you all know.
Thanks for all the support, texts, emails and phone calls that I haven't been able to return!

Love to all,

1 comment:

Wendy said...

Katie, I am thinking about you and praying for you contantly. I'm glad you got to go home and see Fischer before heading to Chicago. Ever since I've known you when we were little girls, you have been brave, stong, beautiful and persevered through all that life has thrown at you. I believe that you will overcome this too. Love you, Wendy Wass Compagnone