Saturday, May 2, 2009

Latest and Greatest.....greatest?....what am I thinking!

We're home right now! Yea! It feels food to be here with Fischer and Ziggi,of course Bob too! Sleeping in my own bed. I went out last night to a show by Broad Comedy. A friend of mine was in it and it was totally hilarious!It was great to just laugh for two hours straight. I'm wanting to bike today, it's supposed to be in the 50's. I think it will be a while before I can go again and I want to get in as much as I can. I'm also trying to go crust cruising tomorrow up near West Yellowstone. When the snow gets cold at night it sets up and you can skate ski anywhere. The bummer is its supposed to be a bit warmer up there tonight and it may not be hard enough. Must Try!

We head to Chicago on Tuesday. I have a consult with my surgeon on Wednesday and then surgery will be on Thursday. At this point the doctor's arrainger person ( funny how I can't think of what to call her) says that we should book our return ticket for May 22nd. Thats kind of long time!

We're trying for figure out what to do with Fischer. Grandma is coming down on Monday and I think can stay for quite a while. What a relief! He loves speding time with her! I'm not sure if she can stay for the whole time but we're working on it. We're even wondering if we should fly him and her or a Nanny type person out there for a few days so he can see I'm dong fine. Of course thats after I get out of ICU and will maybe be coherent! We'll see, we've got some time to play around with these ideas.

Ok, so they say I will still be "Katie" after this brain surgery. The cerebellum plays the role of alance and coordination and y'all know that's whi I do forward sorts anyway. I'm telling them I think I've had this for all my life! :) The initial surgeyr will affect my balance/coordination but should hopefully get better. Thats the one thins that they say may have some permanance. Please just let me ride my bikes! ( I know, most of you think I need help NOW with balance on my bikes!)

I'll have someone, not me!, update this blog with what is happening after the surgery. Everyone is asking what they can do. It's difficult for me to ask for this and I know after last year that I was getting better at asking for what we need. Some friends are setting up a bank account here that people can donate to. We're gonna need to pay for child care for Fischer and these extra medical costs are gonna really hit below the belt. Bob's work just decreased their hours and pay last Monday by 20%. We were going to supplement by me picking up some massage gigs....not any more. Our house is on the market and we desparately need to sell it. Bozeman be prepared, If we get an offer and have to be out, you may be asked to pack boxes! The mortgage payments are way too high for us to handle without me working at all. So..... we're desparate. I'll put up the information as soon as I get it.

I'm gonna farm out some of my recipies for people to make and put in our freeer. That way we have the food we know we'll eat for a vegetarian, a five year old and a not all brain cell patient! (someone could come up with a joke about that!, Molly T?)

Yes, I'm freaked. I'm trying to not worry too much because whats up there is whats there and I really want it out. I can only hope that its not the concer thats come back but there is a huge reality about that. If it is they will do radiation and then chemo via IV. The only thing that sucks is I really DON"T want to lose my hair again! I guess in the shole scheme of things I could lose a lot more so I should be thankful!? (Of course thats n a perfect world.) I'm planning on fighting whatever this is with even more gusto than I did last year! I'm going to need a lot of support, which is why I'm reaching out to so many of you. I LOVE getting emails of encouragement from everybody and also hearing about what is going on in your lives. It lets me live vicariously through you and makes me happy. I'm getting a lot of calls. Know that I'll try to answer If I can't I'll try to get back to you. If I don't you can try again but know that it gets very tiring to talk all day long on the phone. (of course y'all know I'm a talker!) Just dont be afraid to call but know I may not get back to you. Same thing with emails, I try to respond but can get overwhelmed, just keep them coming!

Snail mail:
Katie Ossa
198 Nostalgia Lane
Bozeman, MT 59715

I'm on facebook, so ask to be your friend, isn't that silly?

I'll get my hispital information up as soon as I know it.

Thank you all so much, plese put all thoughts, prayers, energy or whatever you do out there!
Love to all,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Joe and I are thinking of you and sending you lots of prayers and love!!!! You and Bob are a great team and I am glad he is able to be in Chicago with you. We love you guys a lot and please don't hesitate to ask if there's anything you need...we can absolutely take Fischer if Bob's mom needs to head back...or anything else that needs to be covered at the house, just let us know. We are here to support you and cheer you on all the way!!

Em & Joe