Monday, May 11, 2009

Back on Vacation

Katie is out of the hospital! She was discharged yesterday and she and Bob went back to the condo where she had a pretty good night's rest. Today the vacation to speak. They had just returned from a walk to the nearby park (2 blocks away) where they had a nice time watching ducks and passersby from a park bench. Back to the condo for a bite of lunch, then nap for KO and errands for Bob. They are very excited to see Fischer tomorrow (and Carol too, of course!) They are both in good spirits and KO is sounding like her usually zoomy, happy self - welcome back Katie - way to go & keep up the good work (you too, Bob!)

I asked Katie if there was anything she wanted me to post specifically today. She wanted everyone to know that she's feeling better and things are going well. Above all, she and Bob wanted to say THANK YOU to everyone - for all your support, help, friendship...everything - thank you all! She says they are still without internet access, so you'll all have to bear with my posts for now and my blogging ineptitude : )

That's all for now - as usual, stay tuned...


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