Friday, May 8, 2009

The Road to Recovery

Update from Bob this morning:
KO got settled into her ICU bed around 6:30p last night - was awake long enough to be nauseated and have a searing headache, but some medication took care of that and she was able to rest. Bob talked to her briefly this morning when he called to talk to her nurse - got through to Katie's room instead & she picked up. She was still groggy and resting. He was on his way to see her when I talked to him. He's looking forward to when they get her up today for a little ambulating - (Day 4 itinerary - after brain surgery and a night's stay in ICU, have a nice walk across the room to the chair in the corner - Katie, I can just visualize the brochure!)
Amazing - brain surgery one day, up and walking the next! Go KO! I will update further as info comes in - meanwhile, keep the good vibes coming.

The donation account has been opened sooner than expected - please see info to the right. Thanks again from Katie and Bob for all the support, love, good wishes, prayers, and positive input. With a little luck maybe we'll hear from KO herself before too long...

More soon...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It makes my day to hear that Katie seems to be doing well. Go Katie!
