Wednesday, May 6, 2009

this should have posted before the one Carla wrote!

Hello from beautiful Chicago!

We went out on the town last night. I drank a whole bottle of champagne by myself! (the good stuff of course) Seem to feel pretty good this morning! …guess theres something to say about steroids and hangovers, or just drinking really good champagne! 

Arrived here yesterday. Our flight left Bozeman at 6am so it was a rough start for Bob and I. We were exhausted when we got here. Cathy’s Mom’s place is absolutely fabulous! Beautiful views of the city, right near the lake and not too far from the hospital! I could handle this for about a week just as a vacation!

My friend Carla is here to help with our Doc’s appointment today. She is well versed in working with brain surgeons. While Bob and I sit there looking like deer in headlights, she can ask all the right questions, and remember them! She flew in from Boston, what an amazing friend and person! Her honey flies in from Liverpool for the weekend so she’ll be leaving tomorrow (Thursday). Thank you Carla!!!

Bob’s friend Bill is here in Chicago for business so he went out for dinner with us last night. He lives in Spokane. His wife ironically has a “bump” on her cerebellum too. What the….? They are “watching” hers. She has other health concerns and not a history of cancer. Godd luck to her and I’ll be her guinea pig for the surgery!

I will have Carla update this blog with some details once we see the doc today. We’ll get the hospital info of where I’ll be and all that pertinent stuff. I’ll be in ICU for a couple of days so nothing to be sent. In lieu of flowers etc, please see the Katie Ossa Benefit Fund info at the top. Every dollar will add up and that’s really what we need the most at this time. We’re going to have to pay for daycare for Fischer and Bob’s salary just got cut by 20% (whole firm across the board). I really have a difficult time asking for this but people want to know so that is how everyone can help.

Keep sending emails etc. I enjoy getting them. Brain jokes are funny, thanks!

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