Thursday, May 14, 2009

Family Time in the Windy City

Here's the latest from Camp KO in Chicago... Katie and Bob had a relaxing day on Tuesday - enjoying more of Chicago and waiting for Carol and Fischer to arrive. Unfortunately, thanks to typical Montana springtime, a snow squall hit just as the plane they were supposed to get on was arriving in the Bozeman area. It was diverted to Helena - so Carol and Fischer were rescheduled to leave first thing Wednesday morning. This time they got off without a hitch and arrived in Chicago in time to get settled in. In the meantime, Katie had her scheduled stereotactic radiation to treat the area from which the tumors were removed. The pathology confirmed the suspicions of ovarian cancer metastases. According to her doctor, Katie reports that this is uncommon but does happen and localized radiation is often effective. She'll have further workups when she gets home with her doctor in Billings. She said the procedure was not uncomfortable and really felt just fine.

Katie and Bob were thrilled to see Fischer and Carol and enjoyed some local Chinese food. Last night when I talked to Katie - she was relaxing after a long day, feeling well and happy to have the family together. So, now it is truly time for recovery and maybe enjoying Chicago a little, for real. Next up will be returning home. Currently Bob, Fischer, and Carol will come back to Bozeman on Saturday, and Katie gets her staples out Monday and can come home Monday or Tuesday. Quite the adventure, KO! Again - even though they don't have internet access at the condo - they are checking their e-mails, texts, and calls - I know they love hearing from everyone. I'll keep updating the blog as the news comes in, and until KO gets home and back online.

As for Ziggi - she is well and will be having a blast this afternoon wearing herself and Huck out! Such a great dog - KO!!

Until next time...

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