Sunday, May 10, 2009

Almost ready to go

Well KO is recovering well and has been moved from ICU to the regular floor - and rumor has it she'll be discharged tomorrow at the latest. Yesterday she walked around the ICU two times and according to her surgeon is recovering right on track. The intracranial pressure (swelling in the head) found yesterday was to be expected after surgery and is better today. Bob says Katie is tired, but otherwise seems fine. I talked to her briefly yesterday and she sounded really good. Amazing to be having a conversation with her 2 days out from brain surgery - KO, you are remarkable! The only thing that could make this Mother's Day better is to have Fischer there - and that happens in 2 days! Belated gift - and a great one at that. So, as long as things continue on this path, they will be back at the condo tomorrow, and localized radiation is scheduled for Wednesday (once pathology reports are back). Maybe, with a little luck, they'll all be home next weekend!

All for now... Happy Mother's day to you all.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ziggy came over and played with Frisco the other day. A much better smelling dog than ours.

I mountain-biked the large trail loop yesterday: totally dry except for one tiny puddle. It's ready for fair-weather riders and runners.

They mowed your lawn this morning; it looks good.

145 Nostalgia (two doors down from Jim and Carol)