Thursday, May 7, 2009

In Recovery

I just got off the phone with Bob - Katie is out of surgery and in the Recovery room! The surgeon was able to get all 3 lesions without involving any brain tissue. They didn't have to go in very deep, so any dizziness Katie has is expected to only last a few days. She is stable and was awake enough for Bob to talk to her for about 10 minutes. The surgery went well and tests are pending to find out exactly what these things are - results should be back in about 3 days. So, Katie is in holding pattern, waiting to get into her ICU room. Bob will have another chance to chat with her in a little while and will keep us posted.

Go Katie, GO!

We're all pulling for you - we know you can feel it!

As for the previous post - sorry for the confusion regarding the donation account, the EIN is taking longer than previously thought and the account can't open without it. So - everything should be a go as of early next week. Thanks for understanding.


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