Tuesday, November 24, 2009

...10 days later

T back, again. Well that was a really long day - so much for "more tomorrow"! Sorry it's been awhile, Katie & Bob are still waiting for internet access and have not been able to update. So, KO asked if I would mind updating the blog a bit while they are still offline. It's great to see her back home! The first week's challenges were to get from-bed-out-to-couch...rest...back-to-bed-again. By the end of the week, she was mostly out at the couch and fending for herself during the day. Her appetite is coming back big time, good thing, too - she got kind of scrawny after all that time not being able to eat. She's beginning to eat well again and, moreover, can enjoy what she's eating! So, for week two, she's had plans to go to the grocery store and went out to lunch on Sunday (only 1 week after getting out of the hospital!). She's been helping Bob get more things put away and organized, and putting finishing touches on Fischer's room. She's also starting to get some of her old sass back - she may be tired and not as strong as she likes, but she's already made great strides just since getting home.

So now in a few more days she is hoping to update you all, herself. I know you're all looking forward to that and she and Bob again say huge thank you's to everyone. I'll keep you updated until they're up & running. All for now, T

1 comment:

Liz Montoya said...

Yay! Glad to hear you are up and att'm. Thinking of you...xoxoxo