Tuesday, November 10, 2009

It's Shunt Time

Welcome back to the KO Blog - and the latest update for Katie. She hasn't had any big changes today but the big decision today was to opt for the shunt to be placed. So, tomorrow Katie will have a little more surgery and the shunt should do the job of keeping that CSF fluid from backing up and causing symptoms. The hope is that if everything goes well, she might come home as early as Friday, but possibly Monday. After that, it is time to recover amongst friends and family. Fischer told me today he really hopes she comes home on Friday, but then said he knows it might be Monday. He was very excited, though that Ziggi was coming home tonight! Bob will head to Billings tomorrow to be there for the operation. Hopefully everything will go smoothly - this is a pretty common procedure, and certainly not as complicated as the other neurosurgical stuff Katie's already been through, so here's to smooth sailing tomorrow!!

For those who are wanting to send something Katie's way,(unfortunately no flowers in the ICU) the biggest help will likely be needed when she gets home. Well wishes, cards, flowers, the Benefit Fund (see upper left of blog for details), and there is a fund-raising event for Katie this weekend at the Spire Climbing center in Bozeman, and anything else people can think of they want to do I bet would be welcome. the climbing benefit is on Saturday, November 14 from 5-7pm. It is a potluck, climbing fest with all gym fees going towards the Katie Ossa Benefit Fund. Those with questions can see the attached info or call (406) 586-0706 for details. Otherwise if all you can spare right now is good chi, prayers, hugs, love - that currency is equally important and will help Katie, Bob, & Fischer tremendously.

For tonight, I hope you rest well Katie, and I will write more tomorrow. Thanks for tuning in. T


Unknown said...

T- Thank you so very much for keeping these posts going! We are all sending Katie hugs and kisses and everything GOOD right now! She is one hell of a fighter and is constantly in our thoughts and prayers! KO- here's to getting all of this crap behind you and gettin' on with life! You sure know how to LIVE it! :)
We love you!!!! XOXOXO
Amy and Brandon

Hot Rotty said...

KOmazing!! You are such a fighter, so strong and kicking ass once again__With a smile and the F-bomb spewing.
Rest and recover well. We'll be up to MT for the 'scar viewing' soon.