Friday, November 27, 2009


Greetings All KO fans,
Today is Katie's birthday! We started off with strawberry and yogurt waffles and yummy left over apple pie. Around lunch time she gets to open presents! Fischer and I have been busy shopping, wrapping and making cards while Kurt and Rebecca Spears hang out with Katie and walk Ziggi. We spent turkey day with Bill and Melanie Schell and Katie would not relinquish the cooking of sweet potato pie and corn pudding so she was very tired the rest of the day, though it was a wonderful day!

Unfortunately we have some unsettling news to mix in with the good news. The cytology report came back with the results we did not want to hear. The report showed that there are still microscopic cancer cells present in Katie's brain and spinal fluid and there is nothing left to try via traditional medical treatments short of putting a port in the top of her head and dumping chemo directly into her brain. And the doctors say that would immediately turn her quality of life to crap and likely be ineffective.

So there you have it: the news we have been wrestling with for a week and it's still not sinking in. There is no crystal ball so we don't know exactly what this news means other than it wasn't the best news. The counselor from the cancer clinic has met with us and shared some wonderful suggestions like legacy books, a video interview, etc. Some wonderful photographers (and they are wonderful people too) volunteered to take our family portrait last weekend. Katie got a new wig and someone came in to do her makeup... it was a great photo shoot and life experience. We will post some photos when we get them. They even let Fischer shoot a couple hundred pictures with their fancy camera.

sorry to drop a bomb like this on everyone, but it's just too intense and heart wrenching to tell the story to each individual that cares so deeply for M'lady.

As always, we sincerely appreciate all the love, support, food and offers to help with anything we need. I honestly don't know where we would be without all of you!

To end on a high note, we finally have internet access at home again so Katie will be able to read and respond to e-mail and blog correspondence when she is feeling up to it during the day.

We love you all so much and look forward to seeing or hearing from you soon.

Bobby O.


carol b said...

Bobby O - Thanks for leaving this. My heart is with you all and wishing a really great weekend. I hope to talk with you soon - get caught up and what not. I'm here for you whenever you need an ear. We all love your girl to pieces - and love you, too. Hugs. Carol

chris said...

Happy Birthday Katie!

Liz Montoya said...

Nothing but love for the Ossa-Michels.

Anonymous said...

We found you a perfect Christmas tree over in Pburg. I can't wait for you guys to see it! We love you and hope you had a magical Thanksgiving/Birthday weekend. E&J

Ros said...

KO, it is truly amazing how many people are pulling for you and sending you their love. You are an amazing gal! I am sending you, Bob, and Fisher lots of hugs through space. Happy Birthday girl!

Michelle Carey's Second Grade said...

Happy Belated Birthday, Katie! Keep your family close and love each other every day. Wishing you well. XOXOX, Michelle (Folkestad) Carey

rlerchick said...

Happy Belated Birthday! I was in Pratt Kansas for the turkey day so I did not have email access! I just read the wonderful news of your birthday and not so good heart and spirit are with you and your family! Lots of hugs and kisses! Nancy :)

Spinman (GC) said...

Happy BDay KO. Hope you had a nice Thanksgiving. We had 18 for dinner - all of Beth's family - two turkeys and nine pies! Thinking of you daily. Tell the boys hi for me. Much love and prayers, Greg.

Blue Collar Velo said...

Bob, Katie, and Fischer,
Glad to hear the birthday was a success. I heard the birthday girl was a bit overwhelmed by all of the presents.
You are always in our thoughts and in our hearts. We look forward to having a visit with you soon. Much love, The Stalgrens (Erin, Steve, Shea, and Carsten)

mjcaron said...

Happy Belated Birthday Katie! We are thinking of you and will keep praying for your recovery soon!

Melissa and Kathy from MA.

rlerchick said...

Thinking of you and your family daily...your family photos are so beautiful it brought tears to my eyes. What an awesome dog you guys have. Fischer is soo grown up!!!!Happy Holidays!!!
Lots of love
