Saturday, November 14, 2009

She's home, she's home, she's HOME!

Yep, it's true - Katie is back home. She was discharged yesterday and Bob, Fischer, & Rickie brought her back to Olive St. She was tired and going up the stairs to the apartment was more exercise than she's had in at least 2 weeks. But, she's back in her bed and hopefully slept well last night. Bob & Fischer are looking forward to meeting everyone at the climbing gym tonight for the benefit. As for KO showing up...unlikely, but you never know with Katie - where it would be a "definitely not" for most mere mortals, she could rally...? If not, I'm sure there will be lots of photos and she will rest and recover some more.

See you tonight if you can make it to the gym. Otherwise, thanks and keep checking for more updates. T

1 comment:

Gennifre said...

Welcome home, beautiful! I'm not feeling up to making it tonight, but I'm sending a package of happiness along with Taylor and Zane - who will be there! I can't wait to see you...Lots of love heading your way :) Love, Gennifre