Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Smooth Sailing

Well - evening, everyone! Sorry for the late post, but was just waiting on some news back from Billings before I got to writing. Bob called to report the shunt placement went well - KO said it felt like the whole thing happened really fast and was over in no time at all. She's feeling well and is back in her ICU room for hopefully only one more night. If she's doing well in the morning, they'll step her back down to the room she was in before - the one with all the windows and the nice little couch : ) Then, providing there are no setbacks and all is well enough - she'll probably be able to come home on Friday...WooHoo!

When we left the hospital on Monday, it was into the full on beauty of a Montana, blue sky, autumn day. The simple act of being able to walk outside, feel the warm sun on my back, and smell the fresh air was suddenly a very big and real thing. Something to be treasured and enjoyed - for Katie in her windowless room, and for me - a gift of now. It's a gift I want to remember every day, Katie...thank you. Come home soon. We love you.

Thanks for tuning in, more tomorrow. T

1 comment:

Janice said...

Maddie says get better fast! She wants Ziggy to come for a nice long visit again soon. She's lonely jumping on the tramp alone. FYI-a Steamboat buddy of mine has had a shunt for well over 20 years with no problemos.
Heal fast and strong, like we know you can.
Lots of love and hugs,