Monday, November 9, 2009

Tired Girl

It's T - back to blog more for KO, with some first hand news for you all today. Ron & I drove over to visit Katie in Billings and got to her room around mid-morning. She had been sleeping much of the morning and her nurse (nice fella named "Ted") checked to see if she wanted us to stay for a visit. She was happy to see us and have company for a little while. She's very tired and weak, and feeling confined (her room has no windows) - looking forward to the possibility she could get out of the hospital by the very end of the week - but knowing this could be optimistic. It was so good to see her, but even with our short visit, she tired quickly and needed to sleep. So much of her recovery right now is resting and allowing her brain to recover from recent and probably the cumulative stress of the illness. It's hard when the brain is tired and healing to put any extra effort into anything - she said that right now it feels too much to even want to pick up her phone (yes, Katie actually said that!). So all her efforts are going into getting better, for now. But she still sports the best bald girl head ever and still is her very beautiful self. She misses Fischer very much and Bob as he is back home for a couple of days so Fischer can still go to school and have some sense of normalcy in this whirlwind. Bob will head back over on Wed. to be with Katie, though. Katie's sister Rickie (met her today and got the right spelling - thanks, Rickie:) ) is in Billings and spends a lot of her day by KO's side to be on hand for information and company -and ventures out for runs during Katie's long naps.

The understanding is that the cancer causes an increase in the protein of the fluid in the spinal cord and around the brain. This makes the fluid thicker and it can't get by the area of scarring in the brain from the lesions/surgery. As the fluid backs up it causes pressure on the brain and leads to the headaches, nausea, and then the more significant symptoms like KO was having last week. The stent relieves the pressure but is only a temporary fix. A longer term fix may be a shunt from the brain to the abdomen, which is currently being discussed by the doctors and KO, Bob & Rickie. My understanding is that this fixes the pressure issue but the protein (cancer) issue is a different story.

Katie is as strong as ever inside, and even though the mere act of lifting her arm or leg makes her exhausted, she still has her sense of humor. It was wonderful to see her smile and even laugh a little. She is looking forward to getting home and back into life, again - even looking forward to the prospect of skiing this winter!! For now, if we can all send her strength and love and help her get strong to get home - I know they'll be needing more help and support after that. She is so thankful for the good wishes and thoughts coming her way and says hi to everyone. I know she hasn't had the strength to answer her phone, let alone check her messages - so if you respond here, I know Rickie is checking the blog and can read any responses right to her at the hospital. KO knows everyone is pulling for her and would love to hear from you, so feel free to send comments her way.
Thanks for checking in. T

So, KO - you are beautiful, and it was so nice to see you today. Keep resting and plodding forward - you're headed to the finish line (discharge from ICU) and soon as you know it you'll be home in Bozeman. We miss & love you! Love, T, R, & E


Unknown said...

KO, I am so glad that T is keeping us updated and Rickie is there with you. I hope you can feel my arms around you, infusing you with healing energy. Hope you are out of ICU and back in Bozeman surrounded by all those who love you soon. Rest now so you can get out skiing this winter! I love you! Donna

mjcaron said...

Hi Katie (and T) !! This is from Melissa and Kathy in Massachusetts. We met you at Donna and Carol's wedding. I remember you doing some kind of wheelbarrell move on the dance floor that was quite impressive. :)

We are sending you lots of POSSITIVE, GET BETTER, LOVING VIBES. We are going to see a medicine man this week for Kathy's eye vision problems and we are going to ask the Medicine man to send you healing energy. He has been known to cure many ailments from afar. His name is Tom Tam in case you want to look him up.

I really hope you get to get out this weekend. Glad to hear you are in recovery mode!!! Take care,

Melissa and Kathy

Mary Fran said...

Hey there, Katie - I am SO hoping that you get home VERY soon so that you can hug that little guy of yours (or big guy, really!). Lots and lots of healing vibes, energy and hugs sent your way..... Mary Fran

Liz Montoya said...

KO KO KO KO KO KO! Sending every ounce of love, support, strength, courage and four letter words your way (I was so proud to hear you came out swinging from that sedation!). We all miss your beautiful smile and your always welcoming presence. We cannot wait to have you back in the Bozone, snuggled in with your boys and enjoying the view. You are my hero. Love, love, love, love, love, love you. Lizzie

Tomlinson said...

Sending you a gajillion well wishes and love and hugs and just thinking about you SO much and praying for you. Know you will be out of that no-window hospital room and home with your family soon.

Gennifre said...

Hey Katie-O,

Liz and I really want to give you a hug. So, if you are up for it - we're driving to Billings on Thursday to give you one in person. We'll touch base with your people about how it will work best for you. I can't wait to put my arms around your beautiful shoulders. See you soon....

Ali said...

oh Katie O so wish I could be there. But its so amazing to see how many friends you have that love and care about you. You are amazing!! all my love to you, Bob and Fisher!! Lets all go to surf diva's next summer! so fun!
I love you! Ali

Ali said...

and T thank you so, so, so much for posting the blogs!

Unknown said...

Hey Katie, its Joe, Em, Max, and Lulu. We miss you. We will be here for you when you get back. We want you to make sure that we will help you and your boys out when you get home. As you know, I love to clean, sounds like I might be scrubbing some floors again, and Emily is the best baby sitter ever. Please rest, and visualize the bike riding, trail running, and skiing that is waiting for you here in Bozeangeles, Montucky.