Sunday, November 15, 2009


Just a quick note for tonight - KO is very happy to be home and in her own bed. She makes forays out to the couch on occasion and her appetite is coming back. She feels a bit better everyday and seems to be getting some strength and spice back - go Katie, go!! The climbing benefit was quite a success as many people attended and had a great time connecting, renewing old friendships and acquaintances, and meeting new people, too. Lots of folks seemed to be enjoying the venue, but I think the kids had the best time swinging around upstairs. Thanks to everyone for help making it such a great time for Katie, Bob & Fischer. I saw KO today and she's beautiful as always - tomorrow I'll stop by in the morning and help her post tomorrow's note, so stay tuned for that!

For now, I'll sign off - more tomorrow...


Liza E said...

Good morning KO et. al,

The Merlin and I took a long walk this am to send energies up yonder in the northland. We will repeat our trek for you as I take breaks from the LHOP work.

My love all the time & always,

Lau Lau
PS Soon you in early December

mjcaron said...

Glad to hear you are home and in your own bed!!

Unknown said...

Dear KO,
Whoever this "T", she/he is a saint and thanks for the updates. So good to hear you are home. I'll bet Bozeman is beautiful in the snow...You have a whole posse of well-wishers down here in the Fort. We love you!!! Amy

chris said...

Hi Katie -- been thinking about you, and sending good energy your way!

Anonymous said...

Hey girl!!! It was great to see your sweet face on Sunday evening...we had such a nice time with you, Bob and the little man. Here's to you, as you embark on your 44th birthday. We love you, we are inspired by you, we applaud your strength and are truly one of the strongest women I've ever met...and I don't mean just on a road bike :) See you soon birthday girl!

Always and always, Em & Joe & Max & Lulu the stinkbomb