Monday, January 28, 2008

here's a statement from a friend I was supposed to be in Nepal with right now. it had such a huge impact on me I wanted to share it with you all. I'll be there next year!

"Yesterday I saw Everest for the first time. All I could think about was you and my heart was so full, I started bawling....."


Spinman (GC) said...

Hmmmm....Nepal. I guess you'll really have to go now. And Everest, awwww it's JUST a mountain. OK, it's THE mountain. Thanks for the updates. Thinking of you.

- Greg

Andrea said...

Hello Katie,

Just wanted to send you a very warm hug and lots of healing energy and love. I'll be sending a gift to you from a bunch of us locally so look for that by early next week. I talked briefly to Lori today and heard about your latest medical news. I'm sure you are not in a state to talk but I just wanted to let you know I, we are all thinking about you all the time and wish so badly we could do something to make a big rainbow swoop down over you and make you better. All my love, Andrea