Wednesday, January 16, 2008

I'm just learning how to navigate this blog, it seems pretty easy but I'm not familiar with blogs so bear with me. My awesome friend Greg set this up for me.

You can also just email me if you don't want to post yourself on the blog. I love getting emails too. I will try to call a lot of you but it does get tiring and takes up a lot of cell phone time. We do not have a land line and are actually contemplating it.

My contact info is
cell 406-581-5900
Bob's cell 406-581-3832
198 Nostalgia Lane
Bozeman, MT 59715

.......I actually have to go to Billings again on Thursday to get a colonoscopy. They found elevated colon cancer markers and need to check things out. My doc doen't really thik I will have any positive results but they need to make sure. I haven't been having any symptoms for colon cancer. They are doing surgery on monday. I'm not typical cancer patient and my oncologist says that is actually good. If they find stuff in my colon, they shouldn't because everything is going to be really cleaned out!, they will have a colorectal surgeon there too. They'll start out small, do a laproscopy and remove the right ovary and tube and the do pathology. If it comes back as ovarian cancer, they'll open me up and take it all. If it turns out to be some other cancer they'll stop after the laproscopy and send me to the right oncologist. He does think it is ovarian cancer but I am such a mystery thet he wants to keep all options open. I asked about getting a second opinion but he said, and I feel the same, we really don't have a diagnosis yet. There is certainly cancer in me somewhere. BLAGH!!

I was extremely tired yesterday when we got home. It's hard to not talk about things in front of Fischer. He will go to Billings with us next week. WE have a house that belings to a friend of Bob's. Thats great cuz its a 5 bedreem house and we can have everybody there. Bob's mom is going to meet us there. I could be there as long a 5 days depending on what they do.

Ziggi will go out to a friend for the week. I have a friend coming up from Coloradofor the surgery and then two more coming a week from today and then Bob's Sister is coming to help out and then.......I'll rest the WHOLE time! They're all gonna help to take care of me and Fischer. I am truly blessed to have duch great friends, including YOU!

I'm scared. Yesterday was rough. I lost it totaly yesterday for the first time since this all started. I think it was cathartic(sp?). My attitude still holds firm that I'll make it through this no matter what. It just somehow sounds a bit surreal to hear the colon cancer words. My Dad died of colon cancer so that may be my issue. My Mom died of pancreatic cancer and for those of you who don't know I'm adopted but somehow that doesn't seem to matter at this point. I just don't want a colostomy (shit bag out of my stomach) and that part scares me. Isn't it amazing how your mind can take you places you don't even need to go? I talked with the admitting nurse yesterday (they did all the pre-op peperwoek and testing yesterday so all I have to do is walk in and get opreated on on Monday.) and seh said that they rarely have to do a colostomy. They just cut out parts and re-plumb. I can handle that.

I"m still gonna need help from everybody here in Montana. Food will be nice when we get back from Billings next week. Big exercises for Ziggi. I will want to go for lots of walks and get running as soon as I can. I also will need to use my ski pass in March! I didn't get a season pass to stop skiing in January! I actually went on Monday! I'll go again on Saturday with Bob and Fischer for Fischer's ski lessons. I'm not skiing anything too difficult. You know the Katie Oster is sick when she has fun skiing the blue and green runs! I just worry about my arms. I went up the Bridger lift on Monday and had a blast skiing through the soft, snowy, steep bumps!!! It kind of hurt my rught arm so I didn't do that again. They were sore yesterday because of it. Oh well...

I'm rambling on now. I'm actually going to send this out to a lot of people.

Love to you all! Katie


Andrea said...

Hi Katie,

I am still sitting here in shock over your news. I am so sorry to hear about what you have been going through. I wish I was closer so I could do something for you and your family. Thank you so much for blogging so we can all stay informed as you move forward. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
Love, Andrea

carol b said...

Buenos Dias, chica ~
Love the blog - great idea!

Can't wait to see you sometime soon. We'll get you up and running in no time.

I know we haven't talked yet, but you know I'm thinking of you. Odd that I sent you the dog card and check one day before I found out your news. I realize now that the image of that bad ass dog in the shades, chain and vinyl jacket just might make an awesome companion for you :-)

I'd love to talk, but know you're overwhelmed. We'll get caught up once you're through with surgery and back home.

Hugs to Fischer & Bob - the two most awesome men in Bozeman. And of course, pets to Ziggi.


Unknown said...

Hi Katie,
Deb and Denise here.
We are keeping up with the news.
Thanks for including us.
We are sending loving, healing thoughts your way.

Kristin Kerr said...

Katie - I tried to post a comment yesterday, but I don't think I did it right (I'm even worse at this than you!). Anyway, I wish you all the strength, hope, and courage I can send your way. Madison (my 5 year old daughter) and I pray for you each night, and tomorrow at church I'm going to ask everyone to pray for you there will be a lot of good vibes going your way, sister! If you need someone to take Ziggie (I think that's your dogs name?), I'd be more than happy to drive up there and bring him/her back to Colorado with me for a while. We have two yellow labs, but they are pretty friendly with other dogs (don't know about Ziggie?). But, seriously, I'd be happy to do that. I love road trips! And dogs! By the way, I'm one of the friends of Greg's that met you at the Courage Classic last year. I'm the short one with short brown hair :-). So, please let me know if you'd like help with Ziggie. Take care, and have faith. My thoughts are with you...

Cecilia said...

Hi Katie,
I'm sorry to reach you so late. Greg had my wrong email, but Kristin informed me. My prayers are with you every day. One of my friends and coworkers was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in 2002. He was only 38 and is as strong physically and mentally as you are. He just decided that he is going to win this fight. He is now 45 and is once again undergoing chemo, but he works every day and comes in with a smile on his face. Whenever anyone asks how he's doing, his response is always "Fabulous!" Katie you will beat this and we're here for you. If you want Tim Rickett's number to talk to him for support and advice, I know he'll be glad to speak with you. 970-222-0717.
We are going to be riding the Courage together again this season. Between my knee and your cancer we'll "get her done!"


Lori G said...

Hi all,

Katie wanted me to update everyone with what is going on. She said her ass is clean (ie her colonoscopy results indicated no cancer there). Her surgery is Monday 21st at 2 pm. Her friend Erin is with her and will call with results after the procedure. When I find out I will post what I know here. Katie said the CT scan only indicated cancer in her right ovary for sure.

Lori G

Hot Rotty said...

Katie O!
Just want you to know I'm thinking of you. I know you'll be doin some ass-kicking in surgery today and talking about your comeback in recovery by dinner tonight.
Looking forward to running with you and the Zig this summer!!!!!
Hugs, hugs and more hugs!!!