Friday, January 25, 2008

Jan 25, 2008 6:00 pm

After a morning spent with a bag of fluids and Bob, Katie is feeling much, much better. Her tummy is smaller, her color is better, and she is not saying strange things anymore (strange for Katie that is). She is planning on going home Saturday (tomorrow) morning. On the medical side - she is pooping and farting and eating and they all make her feel better. Yesterday she was moving slowly and had a hard time tracking what was going on - she was weak and on strong drugs. Today she is alert, moving quickly -which is moving at all- and on weak drugs. She read all of the pieces of the friendship chain she has so far and was lost between tears and laughter. Maybe because she was laughing so hard her stitches hurt. She enjoyed the colonder her friends at the Runners Roost sent for her. It had 12 great stories about people who are active and successful cancer conquerers. Sure it was colon cancer but that is pretty close to the ovaries.
While shopping with Lori & Rebecca today, Fischer picked out a pair of "heart shaped" pj bottoms for Katie. They were actually red with hearts on them. She loved them of course. Bob and Fischer are helping Katie with a shower while L & R update the blog at a coffee shop. Bob & Fischer are going to go swimming at the Y tonite. L & R will go back to the hospital for a sleepover/card showdown.
We will try to update one more time before heading back to colorado Saturday afternoon. We may be really busy getting KO home though and she is what it is all about! As the license plate we saw today says: LBOUTME
Thanks for the support!


hitchens said...

Thinking bout you lots and great to actually see a photo. Great news to hear the system is moving and you are NOT moving into a bag! Sending love and wishes for health. Cheryl

Unknown said...

Hi Katie O!

Hello from New Zealand! We are doing really well, seeing as much as we can of this gorgeous country. You can check out pictures and comments at our travelblog (which I warn you is waay behind, but I really really will update it soon) at:

We love you and think of you often. I thought of you yesterday, for example, when I decided to arrange guitar lessons for our son Anthony (when we arrived, he was 'Tony', but he's decided to become 'Anthony' now.) (Lessons taught by someone else, we think, will be better for him.) I still say our lessons-for-massages was the best barter I've ever had!

Have fun,


PS: Three guys walked into a bar--you'd think one of them would've ducked.