Thursday, May 21, 2009

Katie is home!

Hello to All! I'm home now! I got here Tuesday just after lunch. It felt so good to get home. Kind of surreal in that I was gone for two weeks and had brain surgery in that time frame!

I have to take it easy for two more weeks. My Doc in Chicago said to let my body heal for a month, then I can start doing things again. I will have to go in for another MRI six weeks out from surgery. They will keep a close eye on me. I can have that done here in Bozeman, thankfully. I do not need to go to Bilings for any more treatment, in fact Im done with this chapter and plan on continuing on with my life. The Gamma Knife surgery (stereotactic radiation) was the last part and I will not have to have any more radiation on this pea brain of mine. I'm DONE! :) Ovarian cancer rarely metastesizes to the brain, I just happen to be unusual. They say there is no reason that I can't live my full life and not get this back again. Of course as I mentioned, they will keep a very close watch just to make sure.

People are asking how I am feeling. I feel great. I am so relieved that this is over and that they were able to sucessfully remove the tumors and radiatate them out. I am veryoptomistic and see no reason why I can't lead a "normal" life. It really sucks to have to go a month without doing anything. I am ga=etting out of shape quickly. I'd guess if that is my biggest complaint than I'm doing very well. Maybe it hasn't hit me yet, I don't know, but I don't really think so. My motto is still FUCK CANCER.

I want to thank so many people that I can't even name all of you. Again, people have pulled through to help make this time of need turn into a wonderful learning and enriching experience for me. We couldn't have done this without our fabulous friends and family!

I go to get the rest of my staples out tomorrow. They took about thirty out on Monday and left in about 20. They are starting to itch! Since it is memorial day weekend, we're going camping! I can lay around camping just as much as at home and I'll get the clean fresh Montana air! I can't wait!

I'll update the blog again next week. Keep the emails coming, I enjoy hearing from all of you!

Love to all,

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Family Time in the Windy City

Here's the latest from Camp KO in Chicago... Katie and Bob had a relaxing day on Tuesday - enjoying more of Chicago and waiting for Carol and Fischer to arrive. Unfortunately, thanks to typical Montana springtime, a snow squall hit just as the plane they were supposed to get on was arriving in the Bozeman area. It was diverted to Helena - so Carol and Fischer were rescheduled to leave first thing Wednesday morning. This time they got off without a hitch and arrived in Chicago in time to get settled in. In the meantime, Katie had her scheduled stereotactic radiation to treat the area from which the tumors were removed. The pathology confirmed the suspicions of ovarian cancer metastases. According to her doctor, Katie reports that this is uncommon but does happen and localized radiation is often effective. She'll have further workups when she gets home with her doctor in Billings. She said the procedure was not uncomfortable and really felt just fine.

Katie and Bob were thrilled to see Fischer and Carol and enjoyed some local Chinese food. Last night when I talked to Katie - she was relaxing after a long day, feeling well and happy to have the family together. So, now it is truly time for recovery and maybe enjoying Chicago a little, for real. Next up will be returning home. Currently Bob, Fischer, and Carol will come back to Bozeman on Saturday, and Katie gets her staples out Monday and can come home Monday or Tuesday. Quite the adventure, KO! Again - even though they don't have internet access at the condo - they are checking their e-mails, texts, and calls - I know they love hearing from everyone. I'll keep updating the blog as the news comes in, and until KO gets home and back online.

As for Ziggi - she is well and will be having a blast this afternoon wearing herself and Huck out! Such a great dog - KO!!

Until next time...

Monday, May 11, 2009

Back on Vacation

Katie is out of the hospital! She was discharged yesterday and she and Bob went back to the condo where she had a pretty good night's rest. Today the vacation to speak. They had just returned from a walk to the nearby park (2 blocks away) where they had a nice time watching ducks and passersby from a park bench. Back to the condo for a bite of lunch, then nap for KO and errands for Bob. They are very excited to see Fischer tomorrow (and Carol too, of course!) They are both in good spirits and KO is sounding like her usually zoomy, happy self - welcome back Katie - way to go & keep up the good work (you too, Bob!)

I asked Katie if there was anything she wanted me to post specifically today. She wanted everyone to know that she's feeling better and things are going well. Above all, she and Bob wanted to say THANK YOU to everyone - for all your support, help, friendship...everything - thank you all! She says they are still without internet access, so you'll all have to bear with my posts for now and my blogging ineptitude : )

That's all for now - as usual, stay tuned...


Sunday, May 10, 2009

Almost ready to go

Well KO is recovering well and has been moved from ICU to the regular floor - and rumor has it she'll be discharged tomorrow at the latest. Yesterday she walked around the ICU two times and according to her surgeon is recovering right on track. The intracranial pressure (swelling in the head) found yesterday was to be expected after surgery and is better today. Bob says Katie is tired, but otherwise seems fine. I talked to her briefly yesterday and she sounded really good. Amazing to be having a conversation with her 2 days out from brain surgery - KO, you are remarkable! The only thing that could make this Mother's Day better is to have Fischer there - and that happens in 2 days! Belated gift - and a great one at that. So, as long as things continue on this path, they will be back at the condo tomorrow, and localized radiation is scheduled for Wednesday (once pathology reports are back). Maybe, with a little luck, they'll all be home next weekend!

All for now... Happy Mother's day to you all.


Friday, May 8, 2009

The Girl Wants Some Broccoli!!

She walks, she talks, she wants some broccoli! In the latest installment from Bob, Katie is doing well. She was able to get up and sit in a chair for a bit today, snarfed down some yogurt and blueberries, and joking with the nursing staff (hard to believe KO joking with anyone - must be the brain surgery!). Not much pain today and she seems to be recovering well - but gets another night in ICU for now. Bob put her on the phone for a second and she sounded great - groggy, but KO all the way. Results are still pending on the lesions, so for now she gets to keep healing. Bob got her up to speed with some of her emails today and managed to sneak away for a nice run along the lake while Katie rested. A half hour of sitting is hard work for a recovering brain - so she did spend much of the day sleeping. At the moment, she had a hankerin' for some veggies, so Bob was off to the cafeteria...

Carol is coming up from Colorado to Bozeman and will accompany Fischer next week to Chicago. Some family time in the big city!! Anyone have some good beta on fun kid activities in Chicago?

Well, that's all for now - stay tuned...


The Road to Recovery

Update from Bob this morning:
KO got settled into her ICU bed around 6:30p last night - was awake long enough to be nauseated and have a searing headache, but some medication took care of that and she was able to rest. Bob talked to her briefly this morning when he called to talk to her nurse - got through to Katie's room instead & she picked up. She was still groggy and resting. He was on his way to see her when I talked to him. He's looking forward to when they get her up today for a little ambulating - (Day 4 itinerary - after brain surgery and a night's stay in ICU, have a nice walk across the room to the chair in the corner - Katie, I can just visualize the brochure!)
Amazing - brain surgery one day, up and walking the next! Go KO! I will update further as info comes in - meanwhile, keep the good vibes coming.

The donation account has been opened sooner than expected - please see info to the right. Thanks again from Katie and Bob for all the support, love, good wishes, prayers, and positive input. With a little luck maybe we'll hear from KO herself before too long...

More soon...

Thursday, May 7, 2009

In Recovery

I just got off the phone with Bob - Katie is out of surgery and in the Recovery room! The surgeon was able to get all 3 lesions without involving any brain tissue. They didn't have to go in very deep, so any dizziness Katie has is expected to only last a few days. She is stable and was awake enough for Bob to talk to her for about 10 minutes. The surgery went well and tests are pending to find out exactly what these things are - results should be back in about 3 days. So, Katie is in holding pattern, waiting to get into her ICU room. Bob will have another chance to chat with her in a little while and will keep us posted.

Go Katie, GO!

We're all pulling for you - we know you can feel it!

As for the previous post - sorry for the confusion regarding the donation account, the EIN is taking longer than previously thought and the account can't open without it. So - everything should be a go as of early next week. Thanks for understanding.


Still Waiting

T here again posting for KO while she's otherwise occupied. I spoke with Bob this morning and although she was scheduled for 730am, they didn't get started until after 10 on the actual procedure. I will post more information as it comes in.

A donation fund for Katie and Bob is being set up through Stockman Bank here in Bozeman. If you are interested in sending a contribution, you can make checks out to: The Katie Ossa Benefit Fund

Due to delay in processing EIN for the account, contributions can be sent to the following address to be deposited when the account is opened next week, or directly to Katie and Bob - see address to the right.

Interim donation address:

Katie Ossa Benefit Fund
c/o Teri Dudzinski
1417 Cherry Dr.
Bozeman, MT 59715

The address of the bank is as follows - keep in mind they will not be able to process any contributions received until the account is open.

The Katie Ossa Benefit Fund
c/o Stockman Bank
1815 S. 19th Ave.
Bozeman, MT 59718

Thoughts, Prayers, Energy, Calm, and Peace we send to you, girl.

More soon...

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

this should have posted before the one Carla wrote!

Hello from beautiful Chicago!

We went out on the town last night. I drank a whole bottle of champagne by myself! (the good stuff of course) Seem to feel pretty good this morning! …guess theres something to say about steroids and hangovers, or just drinking really good champagne! 

Arrived here yesterday. Our flight left Bozeman at 6am so it was a rough start for Bob and I. We were exhausted when we got here. Cathy’s Mom’s place is absolutely fabulous! Beautiful views of the city, right near the lake and not too far from the hospital! I could handle this for about a week just as a vacation!

My friend Carla is here to help with our Doc’s appointment today. She is well versed in working with brain surgeons. While Bob and I sit there looking like deer in headlights, she can ask all the right questions, and remember them! She flew in from Boston, what an amazing friend and person! Her honey flies in from Liverpool for the weekend so she’ll be leaving tomorrow (Thursday). Thank you Carla!!!

Bob’s friend Bill is here in Chicago for business so he went out for dinner with us last night. He lives in Spokane. His wife ironically has a “bump” on her cerebellum too. What the….? They are “watching” hers. She has other health concerns and not a history of cancer. Godd luck to her and I’ll be her guinea pig for the surgery!

I will have Carla update this blog with some details once we see the doc today. We’ll get the hospital info of where I’ll be and all that pertinent stuff. I’ll be in ICU for a couple of days so nothing to be sent. In lieu of flowers etc, please see the Katie Ossa Benefit Fund info at the top. Every dollar will add up and that’s really what we need the most at this time. We’re going to have to pay for daycare for Fischer and Bob’s salary just got cut by 20% (whole firm across the board). I really have a difficult time asking for this but people want to know so that is how everyone can help.

Keep sending emails etc. I enjoy getting them. Brain jokes are funny, thanks!

Update written by Carla for Katie. I’ll have someone update after the surgery.

Thanks for allyour support and prayers!

We met with my neurosurgeon, Dr. Chandler, today. A confident man of few words, he seems very knowledgeable and makes us feel better about what is going to happen. In short, I have 2 lesions on my brain. Both are located in my cerebellum, one in the center and one to the right. There is a potential third mass that he may evaluate during surgery, but only if it is visible… needless to say he won’t go digging for it despite knowing it’s there. Surgery will be pretty straightforward and will not require shaving my head!! Woohoo! The surgery is expected to take ~2-3 hours and he will remove as much as possible from the masses. Following surgery, I will be in ICU and then moved to the floor. Approximately 5 days post surgery, I have to have stereotactic radiosurgery on all 3 masses. SRS is when they deliver a very high dose of radiation to a targeted area of the brain. This should kill any remaining cancer cells in the area. Luckily, I will not have to have any additional chemotherapy treatment. I will be routinely monitored every 3 months when I return home.

Dr. Chandler confirmed that ovarian metastases are very rare. Of course, we all know I’m pretty special!! He seemed very optimistic about my surgery and prognosis so that rocks. He also said a positive attitude is required in his OR so, Kick Ass Katie will be all smiles and good to go in the morning!

p.s. Did I mention they’re not going to shave my head!!! WOOHOO!!!

Here's the latest from Chicago - Katie asked me to post a little update until she can get internet access:

Katie and Bob are enjoying a mini vacation before (as she puts it) "the shit hits the fan". Internet service is a bit patchy at the moment but she is hoping to update the blog later today at the hospital after her doctor's appointment.  Yesterday they sampled the Windy City's offerings for lunch & dinner and today were out enjoying the sights along the lake.  And then tomorrow, brain surgery !  (Katie - who is your travel agent anyway?)  : )   She sounds in good spirits and is enjoying the moments as they come.  They have wireless access with her phone so can pick up emails, texts, and calls (really, phone calls on a phone! -  hasn't tried the automatic coffee maker application yet, though.)   

More soon - from the real deal...

T (KO's ghostwriter for the moment)

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Latest and Greatest.....greatest?....what am I thinking!

We're home right now! Yea! It feels food to be here with Fischer and Ziggi,of course Bob too! Sleeping in my own bed. I went out last night to a show by Broad Comedy. A friend of mine was in it and it was totally hilarious!It was great to just laugh for two hours straight. I'm wanting to bike today, it's supposed to be in the 50's. I think it will be a while before I can go again and I want to get in as much as I can. I'm also trying to go crust cruising tomorrow up near West Yellowstone. When the snow gets cold at night it sets up and you can skate ski anywhere. The bummer is its supposed to be a bit warmer up there tonight and it may not be hard enough. Must Try!

We head to Chicago on Tuesday. I have a consult with my surgeon on Wednesday and then surgery will be on Thursday. At this point the doctor's arrainger person ( funny how I can't think of what to call her) says that we should book our return ticket for May 22nd. Thats kind of long time!

We're trying for figure out what to do with Fischer. Grandma is coming down on Monday and I think can stay for quite a while. What a relief! He loves speding time with her! I'm not sure if she can stay for the whole time but we're working on it. We're even wondering if we should fly him and her or a Nanny type person out there for a few days so he can see I'm dong fine. Of course thats after I get out of ICU and will maybe be coherent! We'll see, we've got some time to play around with these ideas.

Ok, so they say I will still be "Katie" after this brain surgery. The cerebellum plays the role of alance and coordination and y'all know that's whi I do forward sorts anyway. I'm telling them I think I've had this for all my life! :) The initial surgeyr will affect my balance/coordination but should hopefully get better. Thats the one thins that they say may have some permanance. Please just let me ride my bikes! ( I know, most of you think I need help NOW with balance on my bikes!)

I'll have someone, not me!, update this blog with what is happening after the surgery. Everyone is asking what they can do. It's difficult for me to ask for this and I know after last year that I was getting better at asking for what we need. Some friends are setting up a bank account here that people can donate to. We're gonna need to pay for child care for Fischer and these extra medical costs are gonna really hit below the belt. Bob's work just decreased their hours and pay last Monday by 20%. We were going to supplement by me picking up some massage gigs....not any more. Our house is on the market and we desparately need to sell it. Bozeman be prepared, If we get an offer and have to be out, you may be asked to pack boxes! The mortgage payments are way too high for us to handle without me working at all. So..... we're desparate. I'll put up the information as soon as I get it.

I'm gonna farm out some of my recipies for people to make and put in our freeer. That way we have the food we know we'll eat for a vegetarian, a five year old and a not all brain cell patient! (someone could come up with a joke about that!, Molly T?)

Yes, I'm freaked. I'm trying to not worry too much because whats up there is whats there and I really want it out. I can only hope that its not the concer thats come back but there is a huge reality about that. If it is they will do radiation and then chemo via IV. The only thing that sucks is I really DON"T want to lose my hair again! I guess in the shole scheme of things I could lose a lot more so I should be thankful!? (Of course thats n a perfect world.) I'm planning on fighting whatever this is with even more gusto than I did last year! I'm going to need a lot of support, which is why I'm reaching out to so many of you. I LOVE getting emails of encouragement from everybody and also hearing about what is going on in your lives. It lets me live vicariously through you and makes me happy. I'm getting a lot of calls. Know that I'll try to answer If I can't I'll try to get back to you. If I don't you can try again but know that it gets very tiring to talk all day long on the phone. (of course y'all know I'm a talker!) Just dont be afraid to call but know I may not get back to you. Same thing with emails, I try to respond but can get overwhelmed, just keep them coming!

Snail mail:
Katie Ossa
198 Nostalgia Lane
Bozeman, MT 59715

I'm on facebook, so ask to be your friend, isn't that silly?

I'll get my hispital information up as soon as I know it.

Thank you all so much, plese put all thoughts, prayers, energy or whatever you do out there!
Love to all,