Friday, May 8, 2009

The Girl Wants Some Broccoli!!

She walks, she talks, she wants some broccoli! In the latest installment from Bob, Katie is doing well. She was able to get up and sit in a chair for a bit today, snarfed down some yogurt and blueberries, and joking with the nursing staff (hard to believe KO joking with anyone - must be the brain surgery!). Not much pain today and she seems to be recovering well - but gets another night in ICU for now. Bob put her on the phone for a second and she sounded great - groggy, but KO all the way. Results are still pending on the lesions, so for now she gets to keep healing. Bob got her up to speed with some of her emails today and managed to sneak away for a nice run along the lake while Katie rested. A half hour of sitting is hard work for a recovering brain - so she did spend much of the day sleeping. At the moment, she had a hankerin' for some veggies, so Bob was off to the cafeteria...

Carol is coming up from Colorado to Bozeman and will accompany Fischer next week to Chicago. Some family time in the big city!! Anyone have some good beta on fun kid activities in Chicago?

Well, that's all for now - stay tuned...



Unknown said...

Hey Bob and Katie,

Elijah says there is an aquarium in the windy city the might be fun to take Fischer to.

Glad to hear you are recovering so quickly.

Michelle ELijah and Helen

MomSharon said...

Hi KatieO and Bob,
I found out about all of this just before you left for Chicago. Did you know it is about impossible to find someone's blog if you don't know it? I was pretty frustrated trying to find out what was going on from my end of the world. Then the internet is so slow here, I had trouble getting a comment in before you left. NOW you are done your surgery and doing awesmome. I KNEW IT! You are the strongest woman I know. I can't wait to see you when I return from Afghan.!
I'm over here routing for you and sending positive thoughts your way.

rob said...

Hello KO and Bob-O,

Yippee that the surgery went great and KO is the road to recovery. The mention of broccoli reminded me of a SNL skit by Dana Carvey... for giggles I thought I would share the clip:

I am still laughing at and singing that catching tune!

Bob - What is the best phone number to reach you?

Robbie O

Bozeman Massage Therapy LLC said...

Kite flying is especially good this time of year if you can find a park or field!

Miss you in Bozeman and glad things are going well.
