Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Here's the latest from Chicago - Katie asked me to post a little update until she can get internet access:

Katie and Bob are enjoying a mini vacation before (as she puts it) "the shit hits the fan". Internet service is a bit patchy at the moment but she is hoping to update the blog later today at the hospital after her doctor's appointment.  Yesterday they sampled the Windy City's offerings for lunch & dinner and today were out enjoying the sights along the lake.  And then tomorrow, brain surgery !  (Katie - who is your travel agent anyway?)  : )   She sounds in good spirits and is enjoying the moments as they come.  They have wireless access with her phone so can pick up emails, texts, and calls (really, phone calls on a phone! -  hasn't tried the automatic coffee maker application yet, though.)   

More soon - from the real deal...

T (KO's ghostwriter for the moment)

1 comment:

Bec and Kurt said...

Hey Katie, I think I got a better travel agent than you! We're in SFO waiting to get on a plane to Hong Kong. Thinking of you. I'll have Kurt plan your next trip!
Love ya!