Thursday, May 21, 2009

Katie is home!

Hello to All! I'm home now! I got here Tuesday just after lunch. It felt so good to get home. Kind of surreal in that I was gone for two weeks and had brain surgery in that time frame!

I have to take it easy for two more weeks. My Doc in Chicago said to let my body heal for a month, then I can start doing things again. I will have to go in for another MRI six weeks out from surgery. They will keep a close eye on me. I can have that done here in Bozeman, thankfully. I do not need to go to Bilings for any more treatment, in fact Im done with this chapter and plan on continuing on with my life. The Gamma Knife surgery (stereotactic radiation) was the last part and I will not have to have any more radiation on this pea brain of mine. I'm DONE! :) Ovarian cancer rarely metastesizes to the brain, I just happen to be unusual. They say there is no reason that I can't live my full life and not get this back again. Of course as I mentioned, they will keep a very close watch just to make sure.

People are asking how I am feeling. I feel great. I am so relieved that this is over and that they were able to sucessfully remove the tumors and radiatate them out. I am veryoptomistic and see no reason why I can't lead a "normal" life. It really sucks to have to go a month without doing anything. I am ga=etting out of shape quickly. I'd guess if that is my biggest complaint than I'm doing very well. Maybe it hasn't hit me yet, I don't know, but I don't really think so. My motto is still FUCK CANCER.

I want to thank so many people that I can't even name all of you. Again, people have pulled through to help make this time of need turn into a wonderful learning and enriching experience for me. We couldn't have done this without our fabulous friends and family!

I go to get the rest of my staples out tomorrow. They took about thirty out on Monday and left in about 20. They are starting to itch! Since it is memorial day weekend, we're going camping! I can lay around camping just as much as at home and I'll get the clean fresh Montana air! I can't wait!

I'll update the blog again next week. Keep the emails coming, I enjoy hearing from all of you!

Love to all,


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

KO, Lorie and I thought about u guys this weekend!! Lorie was feeling better also and we went for a walk out in Coeur d'alene. Had a nice time.

Glad you are home. Hope you guys had as nice of a memorial weekend as we head a little further west. Weather was the best I can remember us having on this weekend!

Hope to see y'all soon.

-Bill & Lorie Rambo