Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Update written by Carla for Katie. I’ll have someone update after the surgery.

Thanks for allyour support and prayers!

We met with my neurosurgeon, Dr. Chandler, today. A confident man of few words, he seems very knowledgeable and makes us feel better about what is going to happen. In short, I have 2 lesions on my brain. Both are located in my cerebellum, one in the center and one to the right. There is a potential third mass that he may evaluate during surgery, but only if it is visible… needless to say he won’t go digging for it despite knowing it’s there. Surgery will be pretty straightforward and will not require shaving my head!! Woohoo! The surgery is expected to take ~2-3 hours and he will remove as much as possible from the masses. Following surgery, I will be in ICU and then moved to the floor. Approximately 5 days post surgery, I have to have stereotactic radiosurgery on all 3 masses. SRS is when they deliver a very high dose of radiation to a targeted area of the brain. This should kill any remaining cancer cells in the area. Luckily, I will not have to have any additional chemotherapy treatment. I will be routinely monitored every 3 months when I return home.

Dr. Chandler confirmed that ovarian metastases are very rare. Of course, we all know I’m pretty special!! He seemed very optimistic about my surgery and prognosis so that rocks. He also said a positive attitude is required in his OR so, Kick Ass Katie will be all smiles and good to go in the morning!

p.s. Did I mention they’re not going to shave my head!!! WOOHOO!!!

1 comment:

Wendy said...

Hey, thinking about you all the time Katie! I'm so glad you have such a great husband and support system to help you get through this. I'm praying for smooth sailing through tomorrows surgery!
Love Wendy